Book Chapters

  • Sinan Sonlu, Khasmamad Shabanovi, Funda Durupinar, Uğur Güdükbay, "Emotional Expression as a Means of Communicating Virtual Human Personalities", in Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style, James Z. Wang and Reginald B. Adams, Jr. (eds.), Chapter 17, pp. 293-312, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2024. (pdf copy), (Book's Publisher Web Site).

  • Aytek Aman, Ateş Akaydın, Uğur Güdükbay, "Interacting with Boids in an Incompressible Fluid Environment", in Contemporary Topics in Computer Graphics and Games: Selected Papers from the Eurasia Graphics Conference Series, Veysi İşler, Haşmet Gürçay, Hasan Kemal Süher, and Güven Çatak (eds.), pp. 403-413 Peter Lang, İstanbul, Turkey, 2020. (pdf copy), (Supplementary Video).

  • Funda Durupınar, Uğur Güdükbay, Aytek Aman, and Norman I. Badler, "Simulation of Collective Crowd Behavior with Psychological Parameters", in Simulating Heterogeneous Crowds with Interactive Behaviors, Nuria Pelechano, Jan M. Allbeck, Mubbasir Kapadia, and Norman I. Badler (eds.), pp. 99–120, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016. (pdf copy).

  • Yiğithan Dedeoğlu, B. Uğur Töreyin, Uğur Güdükbay, A. Enis Çetin, "Surveillance Using Both Video and Audio", in Multimodal Processing and Interaction: Audio, Video, and Text, Chapter 6, pp. 143-155, Edited by Petros Maragos, Alex Potamianos, and Patrick Gross, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008. (pdf copy), (References).

  • Uğur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç, Aydemir Memişoğlu, and Mehmet Şahin Yeşil, "Modeling, Animation, and Rendering of Human Figures", in Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission, Display, (Chapter 7), pp. 201-238, Edited by H. M. Özaktaş and L. Onural, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-72531-2, 2008. (pdf copy).

  • Uğur Güdükbay, Funda Durupınar, "Three-Dimensional Scene Representations - Modeling, Animation, and Rendering Techniques", in Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission, Display, (Chapter 6), pp. 165-200, Edited by H. M. Özaktaş and L. Onural, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-540-72531-2, 2008. (pdf).

  • Türker Yılmaz, Uğur Güdükbay and Varol Akman. "Modeling and Visualization of Complex Geometric Environments" in Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems and Tools, pp. 3-30 (Chapter 1), editor: Muhammad Sarfraz, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-1817-7, 2004. (pdf).
