Ph.D. Students
- Aytek Aman (Ph.D., July 2022),
Rendering Three-Dimensional Scenes with Tetrahedral Meshes. (pdf)
- Kurtuluş Küllü (Ph.D., July 2017),
Communication Models for Crowd Simulation. (pdf)
- Funda Durupınar, (Ph.D., July 2010),
From Audiences to Mobs: Crowd Simulation with Psychological Factors. (pdf)
Türker Yılmaz, (Ph.D., June 2007),
Visualization of Urban Environments. (pdf)
M.S. Students
- Arçin Ülkü Ergüzen, (M.Sc, September 2024),
Personality Transfer In Human Animation: Comparing Handcrafted and Data-Driven Approaches. (pdf)
- Ziya Erkoç, (M.Sc, July 2022),
Memory-efficient Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralization of Large Three-dimensional Triangular Meshes. (pdf)
- Alper Şahıstan, (M.Sc, July 2022),
Hardware-accelerated Direct Visualization of Unstructured Volumetric Meshes. (pdf)
- Serkan Demirci, (M.Sc, December 2020),
Bounding Volume Hierarchy-Tetrahedralization Hybrid Acceleration Structure for Ray Tracing. (pdf)
- Yalim Doğan, (M.Sc, December 2018),
Automatic Determination of Navigable Areas, Pedestrian Detection, and Augmentation of Virtual Agents in Real Crowd Videos. (pdf)
- Mehmet Faruk Ongun, (M.Sc, December 2018),
Recognition of Occupational Therapy Exercises for Cerebral Palsy. (pdf)
- Ahmet Eren Başak, (M.Sc, September 2017),
Learning From Real-Life Experiences: A Data-Driven Emotion Contagion Approach. Towards More Realistic Virtual Crowds. (pdf)
- Umut Ağıl, (M.Sc, July 2016),
Simulating gaze behavior of virtual crowds by predicting interest points. (pdf)
- Aytek Aman, (M.Sc, August 2014),
Model-based Camera Tracking for Augmented Reality.
- Emir Gülümser, (M.Sc, December 2011), (Co-Supervisor: Sinan Filiz),
A Three- Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Method Implementation Toward Surgery Simulation.
- Ateş Akaydın, (M.Sc., July 2010),
Real-Time Crowd Simulation in Virtual Urban Environments Using Adaptive Grids. (pdf)
- Oğuzcan Oğuz, (M.S., September 2008),
Modeling and Populating Virtual Cities: Automatic Production of Building Models and Emergency Crowd Simulation. (pdf)
- Erhan Okuyan, (M.S., December 2005),
Pattern Information Extraction From Crystal Structures. (pdf)
- Funda Durupınar, (M.S., August 2004),
A 3D Garment Design and Simulation System. (pdf)
- M. Şahin Yeşil (M.S., August 2003),
Realistic Rendering of a Multi-Layered Human Body Model. (pdf)
- Türker Yılmaz (M.S., June 2001),
Stereoscopic View-Dependent Visualization of Terrain Height Fields. (pdf)
Rendering Three-Dimensional Scenes with Tetrahedral Meshes. (pdf)
Communication Models for Crowd Simulation. (pdf)
From Audiences to Mobs: Crowd Simulation with Psychological Factors. (pdf)
Visualization of Urban Environments. (pdf)
Personality Transfer In Human Animation: Comparing Handcrafted and Data-Driven Approaches. (pdf)
Memory-efficient Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralization of Large Three-dimensional Triangular Meshes. (pdf)
Hardware-accelerated Direct Visualization of Unstructured Volumetric Meshes. (pdf)
Bounding Volume Hierarchy-Tetrahedralization Hybrid Acceleration Structure for Ray Tracing. (pdf)
Automatic Determination of Navigable Areas, Pedestrian Detection, and Augmentation of Virtual Agents in Real Crowd Videos. (pdf)
Recognition of Occupational Therapy Exercises for Cerebral Palsy. (pdf)
Learning From Real-Life Experiences: A Data-Driven Emotion Contagion Approach. Towards More Realistic Virtual Crowds. (pdf)
Simulating gaze behavior of virtual crowds by predicting interest points. (pdf)
Model-based Camera Tracking for Augmented Reality. (pdf)
A Three- Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Method Implementation Toward Surgery Simulation. (pdf)
Real-Time Crowd Simulation in Virtual Urban Environments Using Adaptive Grids. (pdf)
Modeling and Populating Virtual Cities: Automatic Production of Building Models and Emergency Crowd Simulation. (pdf)
Pattern Information Extraction From Crystal Structures. (pdf)
A 3D Garment Design and Simulation System. (pdf)
Realistic Rendering of a Multi-Layered Human Body Model. (pdf)
Stereoscopic View-Dependent Visualization of Terrain Height Fields. (pdf)