
Ph.D. Students

  • Aytek Aman (Ph.D., July 2022),
    Rendering Three-Dimensional Scenes with Tetrahedral Meshes. (pdf)

  • Kurtuluş Küllü (Ph.D., July 2017),
    Communication Models for Crowd Simulation. (pdf)

  • Funda Durupınar, (Ph.D., July 2010),
    From Audiences to Mobs: Crowd Simulation with Psychological Factors. (pdf)

  • Türker Yılmaz, (Ph.D., June 2007),
    Visualization of Urban Environments. (pdf)

M.S. Students

  • Arçin Ülkü Ergüzen, (M.Sc, September 2024),
    Personality Transfer In Human Animation: Comparing Handcrafted and Data-Driven Approaches. (pdf)

  • Ziya Erkoç, (M.Sc, July 2022),
    Memory-efficient Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedralization of Large Three-dimensional Triangular Meshes. (pdf)

  • Alper Şahıstan, (M.Sc, July 2022),
    Hardware-accelerated Direct Visualization of Unstructured Volumetric Meshes. (pdf)

  • Serkan Demirci, (M.Sc, December 2020),
    Bounding Volume Hierarchy-Tetrahedralization Hybrid Acceleration Structure for Ray Tracing. (pdf)

  • Yalim Doğan, (M.Sc, December 2018),
    Automatic Determination of Navigable Areas, Pedestrian Detection, and Augmentation of Virtual Agents in Real Crowd Videos. (pdf)

  • Mehmet Faruk Ongun, (M.Sc, December 2018),
    Recognition of Occupational Therapy Exercises for Cerebral Palsy. (pdf)

  • Ahmet Eren Başak, (M.Sc, September 2017),
    Learning From Real-Life Experiences: A Data-Driven Emotion Contagion Approach. Towards More Realistic Virtual Crowds. (pdf)

  • Umut Ağıl, (M.Sc, July 2016),
    Simulating gaze behavior of virtual crowds by predicting interest points. (pdf)

  • Aytek Aman, (M.Sc, August 2014),
    Model-based Camera Tracking for Augmented Reality. (pdf)

  • Emir Gülümser, (M.Sc, December 2011), (Co-Supervisor: Sinan Filiz),
    A Three- Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Method Implementation Toward Surgery Simulation. (pdf)

  • Ateş Akaydın, (M.Sc., July 2010),
    Real-Time Crowd Simulation in Virtual Urban Environments Using Adaptive Grids. (pdf)

  • Oğuzcan Oğuz, (M.S., September 2008),
    Modeling and Populating Virtual Cities: Automatic Production of Building Models and Emergency Crowd Simulation. (pdf)

  • Erhan Okuyan, (M.S., December 2005),
    Pattern Information Extraction From Crystal Structures. (pdf)

  • Funda Durupınar, (M.S., August 2004),
    A 3D Garment Design and Simulation System. (pdf)

  • M. Şahin Yeşil (M.S., August 2003),
    Realistic Rendering of a Multi-Layered Human Body Model. (pdf)

  • Türker Yılmaz (M.S., June 2001),
    Stereoscopic View-Dependent Visualization of Terrain Height Fields. (pdf)
