Project Works

  (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) (Fall 2006)
- Section 1 -


Project Works
Project Groups

Project Work: "Job Applications Management System"

Every week we will try to do a short requirements elicitation session that will help you understand the needs and expectations of the customer. I will be the proxy customer and convey you the needs of each stakeholder. 

Questions of the groups regarding the system requirements will not be answered at other times - to ensure that each group have access to the same information. Therefore, it is very important to attend fully and to come prepared to the requirements elicitation sessions.

Sample Grading Policy (from last year)

Sample Grading Policy 2 (from Prof.Dogrusoz)

Project Artifact Existense Checklist (Sample from this year)

Project Artifact Evaluation Checklist (Sample from this year)

Project Final Report Checklist 

Hard-copy report including:
1. Use Cases
2. Fully-Dressed Use Cases (selected ones only)
3. Use Case Diagram

4. Vision
5. Supplementary Specs Document
6. Business/Domain Rules
7. Glossary

8. Logical Architecture
9. Domain Model
10.Design Class Diagrams

11.Sequence Diagrams (or Comm Diagrams)
(No need for System Seq.Diagrams at this stage)
12.Activity Diagrams (representing business flow)
13.State Machine Diagrams (especially for the UI Navigation)

14.GUI Snapshots
15.Design Patterns (show explicitly how you use 5 of them)

16.Summary Sheet (1 page)
(Who worked on which part of the project and how much time
each person has spent for the project in total during the semester)

17.Lessons Learnt (1 page)

In addition submit the following:
1. Electronic copy of the final report
2. Source Code (not to be printed - submit everything necessary to
reconstruct the project as a rar/zip file)
3. Movies of working program that show all major parts of the program
4. README listing the Group Name, Group Members, Course Name,
Semester, Group Contact Names and the contents of the
submission package.)

Be ready to bring all electronic documents above and copy all of them to
my PC before the demonstration.

You may print out two pages on a sheet in your hard-copy submissions.

Transition Phase (Due to Dec 18th, 2006) - To be submitted and demonstrated in the class.

Warning: Make sure that all artifacts you submit are consistent with each other.

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of all your work including the picture snapshots of your UIs.  
2. Bring in the movie fragment of your project demonstration recorded on a flash disk into the class and make sure you copy it to the instructor's computer before you leave the class.
3. On a summary sheet, 
    a. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact of your project work and list the approximate number of hours spent by each team member for producing each article (including the textbook readi
ng time and time spent in meetings) 
    c. List all the
lessons learnt during this project work

Construction Phase

Iteration 2 Report (Due to Dec 11th, 2006) - To be submitted in the class.

In this iteration, you will revize your previous work by following the new rules, practices and guidelines you learnt in last week. 

a. Choose five design patterns and apply them on your object design. Indicate the design improvements you have made on a separate sheet.

b. Revise your previous work as appropriate.

c. Record a short video fragment of  your working program demo on a flash disk. 

Submission Package: 

1. Submit the hard copy of the Class diagrams, sequence diagrams and  snapshots of your UIs in the class. Bring in your movie fragment into the class recorded on a flash disk and make sure you copy it to the instructor's computer before you leave the class.    d. List the lessons learnt during this phase.

Iteration 1 Report (Due to Dec 4th, 2006) - To be submitted in the class.

In this phase, you will start the Construction Phase activities in accordance with the UP methodology practices to produce the following artifacts. Carefully follow the rules, guidelines and best practices given in the textbook. 

a. Based on the GRASP practices, improve your work on object design. Indicate the improvements you have made on a separate sheet.

b. Based on the Good UI Design Principles,  improve your work on object design. Indicate the improvements you have made on a separate sheet.

c. Revise your previous work as appropriate.

d. Record a short fragment of  your working program demo on a flash disk. 

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of the Class diagrams, sequence diagrams and  snapshots of your UIs in the class. Bring in your movie fragment into the class recorded on a flash disk and make sure you copy it to the instructor's computer before you leave the class.
2. On a summary sheet, 
    a. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact. 
    b. Put the approximate number of hours spent by each team member for producing that article including the textbook reading time and time spent in meetings of the couple 
    c. List all the deviations from the Iteration Plan. 

Elaboration Phase

Final Report (Due to Nov 27th, 2006) - To be submitted in the class.

In this phase, you will complete the Elaboration Phase activities in accordance with the UP methodology practices to produce the following artifacts. Carefully follow the rules, guidelines and best practices given in the textbook. 

a. Elaborate the six major (i.e., user goal level) use cases that you selected in the inception phase and in the prior iterations of the elaboration phase. Document them in an essential fully-dressed style. Document the rest of the use cases (i.e., subfunction level) in brief or casual format.  Extend the use-case diagram accordingly. 

b. Draw the design class diagrams, activity diagrams, state machine diagrams corresponding to the above major use cases.

c. Design prototypes of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). You may draw them by hand or using a tool.

d. Submit the skeleton code corresponding to the models above.

e.  Produce update sheets for the artifacts that you previously developed (Supplementary Specification Document, Glossary, Business/Domain Rules, partial domain model, logical architecture, interaction diagrams), if necessary.  

Warning: Make sure that all artifacts you submit are consistent with each other.

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of your work in the class. 
2. On a summary sheet, 
    a. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact. 
    b. Put the approximate number of hours spent by each team member for producing that article including the textbook reading time and time spent in meetings of the couple 
    c. List all the deviations from the Iteration Plan. 
    d. List the lessons learnt during this phase.


Iteration 3 (Due to Nov 13th, 2006)

Revize your work products (artifacts) that you produced in Iteration 2.

Iteration 2 (Due to Nov 6th, 2006)

Revize your work products (artifacts) that you produced in Iteration 1. 

Iteration 1 (Due to Oct 30th, 2006)  - Not to be Submitted! - Submit ONLY the Iteration Plan.

In this phase, you will perform the Elaboration Phase activities in accordance with the UP methodology practices to produce the following artifacts. Carefully follow the rules, guidelines and best practices given in the textbook. 

a. In addition to the three use cases that were elaborated in the inception phase, select another 3 use cases and alaborate on them. Document them in an essential fully-dressed style. If necessary, extend the use-case diagram that presents your Inception Phase results. 

b. Determine and document the requirements for this iteration of the application.

c. Identify the conceptual classes related to the current iteration. Create an initial domain model and model the appropriate attributes and associations. 

d. Identify system events and draw the System Sequence Diagram for selected Use Case Scenarios. Apply the agile modeling principles and justify your reasons for doing or not doing full modeling.

e. Illustrate the logical architecture of your solution using UML package diagrams. Hint: Design with layers and follow the model-view separation principle.

f. Draw the UML Interaction Diagrams (sequence or communication diagrams as appropriate)  for selected use case scenarios. Apply the agile modeling principles and justify your reasons for doing or not doing full modeling.

g.  Produce update sheets for the artifacts that you previously developed (Supplementary Specification Document, Glossary, Business/Domain Rules), if necessary. 

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of your work in the class. 
2. On a summary sheet, 
    a. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact. 
    b. Put the
approximate number of hours spent by each team member for producing that article including the textbook reading time and time spent in meetings of the couple 
    c. L
    d. List the lessons learnt during this phase.

Inception Phase 

Iteration 1 (Due to Oct 9th, 2006)

In this phase, you will apply UP methodology practices. Perform the Inception Phase activities to produce the following artifacts. Carefully follow the rules, guidelines and best practices given in the textbook. 

a. You will select the most important/critical use cases and elaborate on them. In a later phase you will develop a working system that is a realization of the  use cases.  Perform use-case analysis to determine who the actors are and what tasks they must perform, i.e., the use cases

> Each couple in the project group is supposed to find 10 use cases.
> Draw the use case by hand. Do not use any drawing tool or CASE tool for drawing.

b. Select the three most important/critical use cases in the use case diagram and document them in an essential fully-dressed style. Present the other use cases in brief or casual style.

> Each couple is supposed to present one fully-dressed and nine brief/casual use case, i.e, 10% of the use cases will be elaborated. 

c. Prepare a Supplementary Specification Document (complete only the following headers: Revision History, Introduction, Functionality, Implementation Constraints, Interfaces, and Information in Domains of Interest.) 

d. Derive the Business/Domain Rules List.  

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of your work in the class. 
2. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact.


Iteration 2 (Due to Oct 17th, 2006)

Revize your work products (artifacts) that you produced in Iteration 1. 

Submission Package: 

1. Submit hard copy of your work in the class. 
2. On a summary sheet, 
    a. Clearly identify the authors of each artifact. 
    b. Put the approximate number of hours spent for producing that article including the textbook reading time and time spent in meetings of the couple 
    > If the couple has worked 2 hours together, then the number of hours spent should be 4 hours.)
    c. List all the deviations from the Iteration Plan.
    d. List the lessons learnt during this phase.  

Grades posted on BAIS and on Grades Web page.

Beware of that the letter grading was a  mechanical process based on points collected during the semester AND it may not be as just as you and I  wish.  

Remember that we only covered   a  subset of OO    Software Engineering in this course. You should continue to study and practice the subject yourself as a part of your career development.



Last updated: 21/01/2007 17:31