
  (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) (Fall 2006)
- Section 1 -


Project Works
Project Groups

Instructions for the exam observers:

Please see the last year's Midterm and Final exam questions at Prof. Dogrusoz' and my cs319 web pages.  Exams will include  some definitions, space-filling and multiple-choice questions, in addition to the complete program or code segment writing questions.

All exams are closed-book and -notes.

Final Exam  (Jan 4, 2007 - Thursday @12:15) BZ-01-02-03-04-05

(Final Exam  Solutions)

Same rules as regular midterms apply.

In addition to the Midterm coverage, you are responsible for the following chapters of the textbook and the supplementary materials: (Subject to change before the exam:)

Testing and “Software Reuse w/examples 
Chapter 17 – GRASP (271-291) (see Lecture notes and the material in the textbook)
Design Patterns (see Lecture Notes only)
Principles of good UI Design (Lecture Notes Only)
Chapter 21 - Test-Driven Development and Refactoring (p385-394) (Good to skim through – you should know the concept in general)Chapter 24 - Quick Analysis Update (p407)
Chapter 27 - Iteration 3 - Intermediate Topics (p475)
Chapter 31 - Domain Model Refinement (p501-507 and 516-523) (It is a kind of review of previously covered material)

Midterm Exam  (Nov 07, 2006 - Tuesday @18:00) EB-101-104

(Exam Questions & Solutions)

Concentrate on the slides presented in the lectures. You are not responsible from the sections that we have not covered in the class. Supplement the notes and your knowledge with the information given in the book. 

You should especially know the object-oriented concepts and the guidelines / best practices well, as well as why and how we do things. 

If you have taken active part in the project assignments and followed the lectures in the class, then you should be able to get  a fairly good grade easily.

You are responsible for the following chapters in textbook.  Read the slides the subjects covered from the textbook. (You are not responsible for the subjects omitted in the slides.)

Chapter 1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (p3)
Chapter 2 - Iterative Evolutionary and Agile (p17)
Chapter 3 - Case Studies (p41)
Chapter 4 - Inception is Not the Requirements Phase (p47)
Chapter 5 - Evolutionary Requirements (p53)
Chapter 6 - Use Cases (p61)
Chapter 7 - Other Requirements (p101)
Chapter 8 - Iteration 1 - Basics (p123)
Chapter 9 - Domain Models (p131)
Chapter 10 - System Sequence Diagrams (p173)
>> Chapter 11 - Operation Contracts (p181) - (Just read the slides.)
Chapter 12 - Requirements to Design - Iteratively (p195)
Chapter 13 - Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams (p197)
Chapter 14 - On to Object Design (p213)
Chapter 15 - UML Interaction Diagrams (p221)
Chapter 16 - UML Class Diagrams (p249)
Chapter 19 - Designing for Visibility (p363)
Chapter 20 - Mapping Designs to Code (p369)
Chapter 28 - UML Activity Diagrams and Modeling (p477)
Chapter 29 - UML State Diagrams and Modeling (p485)
Chapter 30 - Relating Use Cases (p493)

Grades posted on BAIS and on Grades Web page.

Beware of that the letter grading was a  mechanical process based on points collected during the semester AND it may not be as just as you and I  wish.  

Remember that we only covered   a  subset of OO    Software Engineering in this course. You should continue to study and practice the subject yourself as a part of your career development.



Last updated: 21/01/2007 17:38