
  (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) (Fall 2006)
- Section 1 -


Project Works
Project Groups

The CASE tool that we recommend you to use is Together and Visual Paradigm.  

How to get Together? 

1. Borland's download site follow the Downloads link (140 MB) (You need to register first, and then follow instructions on the web page.)

2. Prof. Dogrusoz or the assistants may have a trial version on a CD. You may try to borrow it.

How to get Visual Paradigm?

We have a Academic Partnership Aggreement for use of Visual Paradigm. Please see Prof.Dogrusoz's CS319 page for further information.

Temporary User Licenses

The license file which you need to download to an appropriate directory (see its content for instructions) can be obtained from Prof. Dogrusoz. 

This license is renewed every month (need to be re-downloaded as we update it). 

You may use choose to use other UML modeling tools in your project - Of course, on your own risk!  

Please Note (Oct 25, 2005)

* In order to see the code produced (new) open a Java project. Aware that you will not be able to use the full UML 2.0 notation, but it is OK for our purposes. You can get more explaination from your assitants.

Together 2006’da karşılaşılan problemler Regional Settings/Bölgesel Ayarlar’dan kaynaklanıyor. Ayarları İngilizce ve United States olarak değiştirdiğinizde problemler ortadan kalkıyor.

 Other Notes

You may disable features that you’re not using for better performance: simply click “Window | Preferences | General | Capabilities | Advanced”, and disable all but “Development | Java Development" and "Modeling | Java Modeling”.
Memory requirements could be reduced by disabling unused plugins (even though not highly recommended by Together) through "Preferences | General | Capabilities".
When you create a new project, make sure to choose “Modeling | Java Modeling Project” and choose UML 1.4 (not the default UML 2.0).
Regional settings might create problems when they are not set to “English (US)”.
The latest states of your projects should be maintained and open up accordingly the next time you start Together (no need to save!) If you have problems regarding persistency, you may use Export/Import features of Together. When exporting, choose XMI (UML 1.4) and when importing, start with an empty project.


Grades posted on BAIS and on Grades Web page.

Beware of that the letter grading was a  mechanical process based on points collected during the semester AND it may not be as just as you and I  wish.  

Remember that we only covered   a  subset of OO    Software Engineering in this course. You should continue to study and practice the subject yourself as a part of your career development.



Last updated: 21/01/2007 17:27