(Object-Oriented Software Engineering) (Fall 2006)
Quiz Policy:A 15-20 minute pop-quiz will be
given in almost every two weeks. Quiz questions will generally be selected from
the exercises in the book related to the current lecture. Please come prepared. Question: Here you will show how interaction and state diagrams help in creating a correct implementation. Implement the CourseSection class based on the information represented in the UML diagrams below. Question 1: An airline has regular flights from Ankara to Istanbul on certain days. We would like to model booking of passengers on specific flights. We would also like to see the employee names and job functions assigned to each specific flight. Question 2: In a registration system, a student may be full-time or part-time student. At the same time, a student may be an undergraduate or graduate student. How do you represent a typical student in a domain model of such a system? Question 3: In an organization, a person may be a manager that has other employees below it in the organizational hierarchy or just a simple employee. There may be a number of managers below a top-level employee. Represent a typical employee in such an organization. Question: Think about UP artifacts influence. Tell me about how you proceed in each iteration of each UP phase. Quiz - 3 (Oct 30th, 2006)Question 1: Draw a diagram/picture showing the UP artifacts’ influence(s). Question 2: Tell us about what things are done in the Inception and Elaboration phases. Question 3: Summarize the most important things that we covered so far in the class as 10 bullets. Question 1: Sequence and communication diagrams are almost equivalent ways of representing the same things. Why do we choose one over another in modeling? ie.,What are the advantages and disadvantes of each one? Question 1: Document all the associations that the partial domain model in Figure 9.17 represents. |
Grades posted on BAIS and on Grades Web page. Beware of that the letter grading was a mechanical process based on points collected during the semester AND it may not be as just as you and I wish. Remember that we only covered a subset of OO Software Engineering in this course. You should continue to study and practice the subject yourself as a part of your career development.
Last updated: 21/01/2007 16:35 |