
  (Object-Oriented Software Engineering) (Fall 2006)
- Section 1 -


Project Works
Project Groups

Final Letter Assignment Policy:

Based on the points you collected from quizzes, exams,  project work and their corresponding weights , the overall sums are computed. They are sorted and the break points are found. The letter grades are assigned in a mechanical way. 

If your final score, which is an important indication of individual achievement in this course, is below 40 a penalty may be applied. You may even directly fail the course! 

( Those who fail to get a minimum of 30% of the total grade from the Project or the Final exam are most likely to fail the course! ) 

Warning (Jan 12, 2006 KD): This year people who got 30 or below in the Final Exam was penalized. If your grade is between 25 and 30, the letter below your regular letter grade group was assigned. If your grade is below 25, than two letters less than you deserve was assigned.  (In other sections people who collected less than 30 directly failed the course!)

Late Policy:

If for some reason you can't meet the due date, your work will still be accepted up to 3 work days past the due date but with some penalty:

10 points, out of  100,  will be deducted from the grade of an assignment for the first late day.

Penalty will double for every day of late submission thereafter. Weekends will count as one day.

Because of the compressed time schedule, late submissions are strongly discouraged. 

Submit late homeworks through e-mail as one compressed zip file, clearly indicating its content in the subject line. Also submit a hard-copy (on paper) to instructor in the first lecture following your submission.  


Be prepare to spend 8-10 hours for each homework/project exercise every two weeks. 

Guidelines to follow:

1. Follow the good programming practices given in the book. Especially, properly indent your program, write comments where necessary, follow the convention mentioned in the class in choosing your identifier names.

2. Include your name, class, student id, homework number and section id on the first page. 

3. Include the question number in the identification comment at the top of the program. 

3. Use paper conservatively. You may download Fineprint driver (at www.fineprint.com) and fit  four printout pages (or two pages if your printer's print quality is poor) in each page.

Caution: It is not very difficult for a professional to detect cheaters. So if you have done the homework with someone else indicate your partner at the beginning of the code. If I catch any unmentioned partnerships, I will deal them separately. 

Note: I will choose and grade only some of the exercises. But if you have not answered any of the questions,  you will automatically loose some  points for each unanswered question.

General Deliverables:

1. Submit printouts containing your code and sufficient number of sample runs of your program to prove that it works.
2. Submit printouts of your reports. You will be told explicitly when a softcopy is required.


Grades posted on BAIS and on Grades Web page.

Beware of that the letter grading was a  mechanical process based on points collected during the semester AND it may not be as just as you and I  wish.  

Remember that we only covered   a  subset of OO    Software Engineering in this course. You should continue to study and practice the subject yourself as a part of your career development.



Last updated: 21/01/2007 17:28