
Lecture Notes
Sample Questions
Grades (as of Jan 6th).htm


Be prepare to spend 4-8 hours for each homework every two weeks. 

Guidelines to follow:

1. Include your name, class, student id, and homework number on the first page. 

3. Answer each question on a different sheet. Include the question number  at the top of the sheet. 

3. Use paper conservatively. 

4. In addition to the hard-copy, send the electronic copy of each assignment to the instructor by e-mail. 

Note: I may  choose to  grade only some of the questions. But if you have not answered any of the questions,  you will automatically loose some  points for each unanswered question.

Term Project  (Due Jan 4th, 2003)

sm515-termproject.doc (zip file)

Homework Assignment - 4  (Due Dec 2nd)

John J. Marciniak's paper titled "Reviews and Audits" (Handout #7) is one of the papers that the IEEE Std.1028-1997 was based on. Read the paper and compare it with the standard. List the major differences between the approaches recommended in the paper and in the standard.

Homework Assignment - 3  (Due Nov 25th)

Assume that as one of the inspectors, you will examine the requirements list that you had submitted in Homework #1 (Question 2) to find defects and prepare for contributing to an inspection meeting. 

Evaluate the mentioned work product by referring to the requirements review checklist and prepare a typo list and

Homework Assignment - 2  (Due Nov 4th)

Q1) Set up a traceability matrix for 15-20 requirements from an important portion of the system you are currently developing. Try approaches shown in both Tables 18-1 and 18-2 (of Handout #4.) Assuming things will change slightly every week (about %10 of the requierments will change every week,) populate the matrix with different variations of changes for three weeks. 

Q2) The next time you evaluate a requirement change request, first estimate the effort using your old method, then estimate it again using the impact analysis approach described in chapter 18 (of Handout #4.) If you do eventually implement the change, compare the two estimates to see which aggrees more closely with the actual effort. Modify the checklists and worksheet to suit your projects based on your experience.

Homework Assignment - 1  (Due Oct 14th)

Q1) A chart that lists the V&V activities (with inputs,  outputs, and relationships) that must be performed during the life cycle of a  Level 4 Software is given in Figure 1 of  IEEE Std.1012-1998. Tailor this  chart for a Level 2 Software by documenting your reasons of removing certain items from the chart.  

Q2) Assume that you are writing a RFP (~Teknik Şartname) for purchasing a bunch of traffic lights and the associated control software for a busy 4-way cross section. Write down at least 20 requirements for the system and assign an integrity level for each requirement by performing hazard, risk and criticality analysis. Determine what type of IV&V would be required for each requirement. Justify your reasoning in writing.  

Homework Assignment - 0  (Due Oct 14th)

Computer type  and print out the following information on a piece of A4 paper, and attach a photo of yours. The supplied info will help the instructor to get to know the people in the class.

Note 1: Do not answer any questions that you may feel like an intrusion to your privacy.

Note 2: Your photo will be returned to you by the end of semester.

Name and last name:
Program and entry date to the program:
Student No:
E-mail address:
Personal Web page: 
Have you ever attended English prep. shool ? When? 
What is your undergraduate major and university?
Your (undergraduate) CGPA range? a) 2.00-2.49
b) 2.50-2.99
c) 3.00-3.49
d) 3.50-4.00
Where do you stay?  a) with family  
b) on campus
c) out of campus (alone or w/friends)
Do you have a PC at home?
Do you have a printer at home?
Name and knowledge level (elementary, medium, advanced) of each programming language you know: 
What other courses have you taken in the II?

Your overall grades posted. 


Last updated: 06/01/2003 23:29