Sample Questions

Lecture Notes
Sample Questions
Grades (as of Jan 6th).htm


Note: You can call me on Monday from my office number to check your homework grades. 


The exam will be composed of three parts:

Part 1 (20 pts): Fill-in-the-blanks questions

e.g. __________ is a structured evaluation of the software characteristics for severity of impact of system failure, system degradation, or failure to meet softrware requirements, or system objectives.

Part 2  (20 pts): True/False questions

e.g. T/F  Classical IV&V is generally required for level 4 projects.

Part 3 (60 pts): Discussion and concept questions.

e.g., Suppose that a firm's customer asked the firm to include some new requirements to the requirements specification after the firm has completed the design phase. The firm has included those new requests into the project.

If you are doing an independent verification of the project implementation, how would you evaluate  the handling of this request. What factors would be considered during your evaluation to ensure that the project is still in order.

e.g.,Many people prefer using traceability tools in medium-to-large scale projects. What are the advantages of using such a tool? What makes such a tool attractive? 


Your overall grades posted. 


Last updated: 03/11/2002 17:51