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The lowest of the 7 scores will be cancelled.

Lab/Quiz 1 - Using the Windows NT workstations in the Software Development Lab.
Lab/Quiz 2
Lab/Quiz 3
Lab/Quiz 4
Lab/Quiz 5
Lab/Quiz 6
Lab/Quiz 7

Lab Sections:

Lab sections will be held in the Departmental Software Development Lab that have 25 Pentium III-450 machines running Windows NT. You will get your computer accounts and be thought how to use them in the first lab section.

Based on the assignment list that will be announced later, you will attend one lab section per week. Section hours of the two sections will alternate every week (i.e., one week your lab section will start at 14:00, and the other week at 15:00) You are not allowed to change sections in any case. If you do not show up at right time, you will loose your right.

In the lab section, you will

take occasional quizzes (announced or not),
receive instruction on C++ implementation details of the abstractions you are learning, and
get instructions and guidance on the assigned personal and homework projects which you will demonstrate and submit.

P.S. Midterm exams are to be given in the lab hours.

There will be 6 in-class quizzes during the first 20 minutes of the lab hour. Each quiz will consist of one or two questions. Quizzes are closed book and closed notes, unless
specified otherwise.

Programming Environment:

We intend to use either Visual C++ 6.0 or Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 environments. In case, we cannot get the proper licences by the beginning of classes, we will turn to Linux or Unix environments and use GNU c++ compilers freely available on them.

Lab Consultants:

There will be a consultant on-duty holding consulting hours (to be determined) in the computer lab. You may get help from consultants about your homeworks and ask him/her questions about any of the BIL courses. (It the consultant is not an expert about the subject, he will tell you so.)


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Last revised on August 01, 2001 KD.