
Home Lecture Notes Textbook Labs Homeworks Exams Grades



Homework1 - Collections
Homework2 - Stacks
Homework3 - Queues
Homework4 - Linked Lists
Homework5 - Recursion and Trees

Homework Assignments:

All homework assignments will be announced in class and posted on the course web     page.
All assignments must be done individually, unless otherwise specified.
Program source code and output needs to be handed in.
Grades will be based not only correctness, but also on programming style, documentation, and  efficiency.

All programs must run and be demostrated at the laboratory setting. Excuses in the form of "It was running fine at my home PC" will not be accepted!

The electronic submission of homeworks may be required. This process is to be explained in the lab section. In case, a problem occurs in Internet connections, be prepared to submit your homework on a diskette (one diskette per person with sufficient identification info.on the label !)

Late Homeworks:
If for some reason you can't meet the due date, projects will still be accepted up to 3 days past the due date but with some penalty: 10 points, out of  100,  will be deducted from the grade of an assignment for the first late day.
Penalty will double for every day of late submission thereafter. Weekends will count as one day.

Because of the compressed time schedule, late submissions are strongly discouraged. Make sure you arrange an appointment with your grader in advance to demo your homework. If he is not available the day you intend to do your demo, penalty mechanism will apply as usual.

Early Homeworks:

Homeworks are due on the assigned date at the lab section. Do not submit your homeworks early!

For  electronic submissions only: If you submit a homework early and then improve upon it, you may resubmit. The last version submitted before the deadline will be used for grading.


Plagiarism is defined as the action of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it, or created it. In grading the homework assignments in this course, occurrences of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with, leading to a zero grade for the  work concerned and upon repetition to a failure in the course, even to punishment through  disciplinary procedures as indicated in Baskent University General Catalog.


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Last revised on July 26, 2001 KD.