CS533 Information Retrieval Systems
Technical Presentation Web Site
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Push Technologies
Streaming Media
Channel Definition Format
The channel definition format is an application of Extensible Markup Language (XML). Thus, the user has to have some idea about the syntax and the spirit of XML or s/he can visit to get some information about XML. 

Channel definition format contains the following major elements: 

Channel: a defined channel. This part of the CDF contains the following main information. 
LastMod Last modification date of the channel
Title Title of the channel
Abstract Short description summarizing the article
Logo Visual Logo of the channel
Keywords Comma delimited keywords which describes the channel
Category A category to which this web page belongs in. The string value is a URL to a CategoryDef element
Ratings Rating of the channel by one or more ratings services
Schedule Schedule for keeping channel up to date
UserSchedule Reference to a client/user specified schedule
HREF URL for the next updated version of this channel
IsClonable Can channel be copied or moved within the channel changer hierarchy?
Channel One or more subchannels of this channel
Item One or more article profiles, each providing information on a unit of content; e.g. a web page
IntroURL URL to introductory web page for channel
Authorization Certification of executable content downloadable by this channel (Authenticode for channels).
MinStorage Minimum storage size required, in kilobytes
Tracking Profile providing information on how channel should perform user tracking.
Item Element: Defines an item of a channel. This is usually the introductory page of a web site which provides dynamic content. 
HREF URL of the Item element
MIMEType Content type of the article
IsVisible Should user know the content of the channel
Priority HI, NORMAL, LOW: Priority of this item
Precache According to the publisher's point of view, shall the contents of the web site copied into the cache? "Yes," "No" or "Default" (use browser's or user's predefined settings.)
UserSchedule Element: Defines the client side user defined schedule to update the contents of the channel.
UserSchedule ID/Name for predefined/client defined schedule.
Schedule Element: This element defines a bounded repeating interval of time. "Update" process will be started and repeated according to these settings. 
Start The schedule will start (be valid) from that date
End The schedule will end on (be invalid after) that date
Interval Time The schedule will be repeated according to this setting
EarliestTime The schedule will not start before that time
LatestTime If the time between "now" and the LatestTime is not enough, the schedule will not be started. This is the time after which no updates are allowed.
Logo Element: The image that represents the channel or channel item.
HREF URL to the image of logo
Type BIG, WIDE, SMALL, REGULAR to determine the shape of the displayed image
Tracking Element: Indicates how a channel can or should support user tracking.
PostURL The URL to post the tracking results to.
CategoryDef Element: This element can be used to store subchannels of a channel and provides a generic container for the channel hierarchy.
CategoryName The name of the category
Description Textual description of category
CategoryDef Definitions (or probably pointers) for sub-categories of this category.
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