CS533 Information Retrieval Systems  
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Push Technologies
Streaming Media
What is ASP?
Writing ASP Scripts
Using Scripting Languages
Getting Information from a User
Sending Information to a User
Develoing ASP-Based Applications
ASP Main Page with Tutorial and 
Selected Links
Scripting Languages are an intermediate stage between HTML and programming languages such as Java, C++ and Visual Basic. HTML is generally used for formatting and linking text. Programming languages are generally used for giving a series of complex instructions to computers. Scripting languages fall somewhere in between, although scripting languages function more like programming languages than simple html docs. The primary difference between scripting languages and programming languages is that, the syntax and rules of scripting languages are less rigid and intricate than those of programming languages. 

Scripting engines are the COM (Component Object Model) objects that processes scripts. ASP provides a host environment for scripting engines and distributes scripts within .asp files to these engines for processing. or eaxh scripting language that is used in coordination with ASP scripting, the related scripting engine must be installed on the web server. 

ASP makes it possible for a web developer to write complete procedures by using a variety of scripting languages without having to worry about whether a browser supports them all. In fact, more than one scripting language can be used in a single .asp file. 

In addition, the client browser is unnecessarily to support scripting since scripts are executed in server side. 

VB is the default scripting language used for primary scripting. One should follow the basic guidelines below while setting the primary scripting language for a page. 

    Set the primary scripting language on the first line of the file. 
    Do not set the page's primary scripting language in an include file.
Writing Procedures with Multiple Languages 

One of the key features of ASP is the capability of ASP to use several scripting language procedures within a single .asp file. The user should determine which scripting language s/he will use afterwards inside <SCRIPT> tag. 

The user should take care on that when using VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting) on the server with ASP, two features of VBScript are disabled. Since the ASP scripts are executed on the server, InputBox and MsgBox are not supported. CreateObject and GetObject functions are also not supported. The usage of these statements will cause an error. 

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