Bedir Tekinerdogan
Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering-
Software Engineering

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Currently, I am the
daily supervisor of the following
MSc students:
Gülsüm Ece Bıçakcı
Mert Eser Çetinkaya
Onur Özdemir
Onur Özcan
Murat Tuncer
Burak Uzun
Ahsen İkbal Yergök
Mert Emin Kalender, Crowdy: A Framework for
Supporting Socio-Technical Software Ecosystems with
Stream-Based Human Computation, August 2014.
Havva Gülay Gürbüz, Architecture-Driven
Fault-Based Testing for Software Safety, August 2014.
Elif Demirli, Model-Driven Engineering of
Software Architecture Viewpoints, September 2012.
Murat Açar, A Tool
Framework for Developing Context-Sensitive User Assistance
Systems using Model-Driven Aspect Weaving, August 2012.
Buğra M. Yıldız, Architectural
Viewpoints for for Global Software Development, September,
Karahan Öztürk (METU, co-supervisor together
with Ali Doğru), Modeling and Analysis of Scaleability in
Software as a Service Platforms, July 2010.
Yasemin Satıroglu, Aspect-Oriented Evolution
of Legacy Information Systems, August 2004.
At the University of Twente from the period of 1994-2008,
I have been the active supervisor of the following MSc students
for completing the final graduation thesis:
Wouter Roosenburg, Design of a reasoning framework for simulation-based
performance analysis, together with Thales The Netherlands, May 2008.
Mark Vervuurt, Modeling Process Variability within the Domain Space,
February 2008.
Namık Aktekin, Incremental and Interactive Model-Driven Development of
E-Forms, 2007.
Frank Scholten, Concern-Oriented Software Architecture Analysis Method,
February, 2007.
Hoa Nguyen, Analysis of Crosscutting Concerns in QVT-based Model
Transformations, July, 2006.
Paul Noordhuizen, Aspect-Oriented Variability Management in Software
Product Line Engineering, July 1, 2006.
Jethro Bakker, Traceabillity of Concerns, April, 2005
Ilse Claessens, Quantitative Scenario-Based Analysis of Software
Architectures, July, 2006.
Niels Primus, Adaptive Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring Systems,
March, 2005.
Francis Henninger, Extending MDA with Aspects, December, 2004.
Dossay Oryspayev, Incremental Software Architecture Design using CMMIs
Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) and Causal Analysis and
Resolution Process Areas, in cooperation with Milsoft A.S. Turkey,
Started December, not finished, 2003.
Hugo Zonneveld, Application of Synbad to the design of Personal Storage
Container System, joint work between Philips Research-TRESE, July, 2003.
Mark van Benthem, Design of a process framework for agent-based
development of CASE tools, June 2002.
Hector Rodriguez, A Model for Systematic Design Pattern Identification,
March, 2002.
Joost Noppen, A Methodological Framework for Coping with Evolving
Software Systems, March 2002.
Kees Kremer, Coupling of UML based CASE tools, July 2000.
Ferenc Schopbarteld, Dynamically tuning transaction behavior in a
distributed environment, June 1999.
Willem van der Ende, Refactoring Class Diagrams using Variation Points,
April 1999.
Ronald Willems, Object-georienteerd Design of Insurance Products
(Dutch), September 1998.
Dirk-Jan Binnema, Visual Composition Filters, March 1998.
Marc Evers, An object-oriented framework for controlling properties of
software artefacts, October 1997.
Maarten Hoogendoorn, An Object-Oriented Framework for Deriving
Architectures from Domain Knowledge, August 1997.
Johan van Dongen, An Object-Oriented Production Framework for Software
Development, June 1997.
Peter Broekhuizen, FLuent: a Fuzzy Logic Environment for an Object
Oriented Fuzzy Logic Reasoning Framework, September 1996.
Maurice Glandrup, Extending C++ Using the Concepts of Composition
Filters, November 1995.
Coen Stuurman, Techniques for Defining Composition Filters Using Message
Manipulators, August 1995.
Bonne van Dijk, Hermeneutic Identification & Definition of Structural
Relations in Object-Oriented Development using GRID, June 1995.
Charles Vuyst, Design of an Object-Oriented Framework for Image Algebra,
December 1994.
Huub Koehorst, Defining Artifacts of Preparatory Work in Hermeneutic
Object-Oriented Software Development, June 1994