Bedir Tekinerdogan
Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering-
Software Engineering

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Click to see my
publication results
(Last updated, October, 2014):

Harzing's Publish or Perish |

E. Tuzun, B. Tekinerdogan, M.E, Kalender, S. Bilgen. Empirical Evaluation of a
Decision Support Model for Adopting Software Product Line Engineering, to
be published in Elsevier Information and Software Technology journal, 2015.
I. Mistrik, N. Ali, J. Grundy, R. Soley, B. Tekinerdogan. Software Quality
Assurance in Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems, Elsevier,
oncoming book (accepted proposal), 2015.
B. Tekinerdogan, O. Ozkose Erdogan, O. Aktug. Supporting Incremental Product
Development using Multiple Product Line Architecture, to be published in
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS), 2015.
E. Tuzun, B. Tekinerdogan. Analyzing Impact of Experience Curve on ROI in the
Software Product Line Adoption Process, to be published in Elsevier Information
and Software Technology journal, Volume 59, pp. 136148, March 2015.
E. Arkin, B, Tekinerdogan. Domain Specific Language for Deployment of Parallel
Applications on Parallel Computing Platforms, in Proc. of European
Conference on Software Architecture Workshop, 2014.
H.G. Gürbüz, N. Pala Er, B. Tekinerdogan.
Architecture Framework for Software Safety, to be
published in Proc. of the 8th System Analysis and Modelling Conference (SAM'14),
Valencia, Spain, September
29-30, 2014.
B. Tekinerdogan. Software Architecture, chapter in: T.
Gonzalez and J.L. Díaz-Herrera, Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition,
Volume I: Computer Science and Software Engineering, Taylor and Francis, 2014.
B. Tekinerdogan, O. Ozkose Erdogan, O. Aktug. Archample - Architectural Analysis
Approach for Multiple Product Line Engineering, to be published in: I. Mistrik,
R. Bahsoon, R. Kazman, K. Sullivan, Y. Zhang (Eds), Economics-Driven Software
Architecture (EDSA), Elsevier, 2014.
H.G. Gürbüz, N. Pala Er, B. Tekinerdogan. Safety
Perspective for Supporting Architectural Design of Safety-Critical Systems, to
be published in Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Software Architecture
(ECSA 2014), Vienna, Austria, 2014.
T. Celik, O. Koksal, B. Tekinerdogan. Deploy-DDS: Tool Framework for Supporting
Deployment Architecture of Data Distribution Service based Systems , to be
published in Proc. of the 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA
2014), Vienna, Austria, 2014.
H.G. Gürbüz, N. Pala Er, B. Tekinerdogan. Application of Safety
Perspective to the Views and Beyond Approach, to
be published in Proc. of the 8th Turkish Software Engineering Conference
(UYMS 2014), Güzelyurt, KKTC, 8-10 September, 2014.
B. Tekinerdogan, E. Cilden. O. Ozkose Erdogan, O. Aktug. Architecture
Conformance Analysis Approach within the Context of Multiple Product Line
Engineering, in Proc. of 23rd Australasian Software Engineering
Conference (ASWEC), April 7-11, 2014.
T. Çelik, B. Tekinerdogan. S-IDE: A Tool Framework for Optimizing Deployment
Architecture of High Level Architecture Based Simulation Systems. Elsevier
Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 86, Issue 10, October 2013, pp.
25202541, 2013.
T. Çelik, B. Tekinerdogan, K. Imre. Deriving Feasible Deployment Alternatives
for Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems, ACM Transactions on Modeling
and Computer Simulation journal, Volume 23 Issue 3, pp. July 2013 .
H. Sözer, B. Tekinerdogan, M. Aksit. Optimizing
Decomposition of Software Architecture for Local Recovery, Software Quality Journal,
Vol. 21, No:2, pp. 203-240, June, 2013.
B. Tekinerdogan, E. Demirli. Evaluation Framework for Software Architecture
Viewpoint Languages. in Proc. of Ninth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on
the Quality of Software Architectures Conference (QoSA 2013), pp. 89-98,
Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2013.
E. Arkin, B. Tekinerdogan, K. Imre. Model-Driven Approach for Supporting the
Mapping of Parallel Algorithms to Parallel Computing Platforms, in Proc. of
ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and
Systems, Miami, Florida, US, Springer LNCS 8107, pp. 757773, 2013.
S. Suloglu, B. Tekinerdogan, A. Dogru, XChor: Choreography Language for
Integration of Variable Orchestration Specifications, in Proc. of Third
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, The
Netherlands, July 8-10, pp. 121-131, 2013 .
B. Tekinerdogan, Ş. Şeker, G. Kahraman, M. Tekkalmaz, Ö. Özköse Erdoğan Software
Architecture Framework for Embedded Systems (Turkish), in:
Proc. of the the 7. Turkish Software Engineering Conference, Izmir, Turkey,
September 25-28, 2013.
B. Tekinerdogan, K. Ozturk. Feature-Driven Design of SaaS Architectures, in: Z.
Mahmood & S. Saeed (Eds), Software Engineering Frameworks for Cloud Computing
Paradigm, Springer-Verlag, Londen, pp. 189-212, 2013.
E. Tuzun, B. Tekinerdogan, S. Bilgen. Deriving Metrics to Support Software
Product Line Feasibility Analysis, in Proc. of International Workshop on
Designing Reusable Components and Measuring Reusability, held in conjunction
with the 13th International Conference on Software Reuse 18 June, 2013 - Pisa,
Italy 2013.
E. Arkin, B. Tekinerdogan. Model-Driven Transformations for Mapping Parallel
Algorithms on Parallel Computing Platforms, in Proc. of
Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and Cloud Computing workshop,
Models 2013, Miami September 29, 2013.
B. Tekinerdogan, E. Arkin. Architecture Framework for Mapping Parallel
Algorithms to Parallel Computing Platforms, in Proc. of
Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and Cloud Computing workshop,
Models 2013, Miami September 29, 2013.
S. Ciraci, H. Sozer, B.Tekinerdogan. A Run-time Verification Framework for Smart
Grid Applications Implemented on Simulation Frameworks, in Proc
of 2nd International Workshop on "Software Engineering Challenges for the Smart
Grid" co-located with ICSE 2013 in San Francisco, US.
M.E. Kalender, E. Tuzun, B. Tekinerdogan. Decision Support for Adopting Software
Product Line Engineering with Transit-PL, in Proc. of the 17th International
Software Product Line Conference, Tools and Demonstration Track, August 26-30,
pp. 150-153, 2013.
L. Moonen, R. Behjati, R. Rabiser, M. Acharya, B. Tekinerdogan, K.C. Kang. First
International Workshop on Multi Product Line Engineering, in
Proc. of the 17th International Software Product Line Conference, August 26-30,
B. Tekinerdogan, H. Sözer, M. Aksit. Feature-Based Rationale Management System
for Supporting Software Architecture Adaptation, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 945-964, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan. First Turkish Software Product Line Engineering Workshop
Summary, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 37, Issue
pp. 30-35, November, 2012.
B.M. Yildiz,
B. Tekinerdogan, S. Cetin.
A Tool Framework for Deriving the Application Architecture for Global Software Development Projects, in Proc. of International Conference on Global Software Engineering,
Porto Alegre, Brasil, August, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan, S. Cetin.
Introducing Global Software Development in Turkey: Why and How?, in Proc. of International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Porto Alegre, Brasil, August, 2012.
E. Er and B. Tekinerdogan. MoDSEL Model Driven Software Evolution Language,
In M. Mernik (Ed.), Formal and Practical Aspects of Domain-Specific Languages:
Recent Developments, pp. 572-594, IGI Global, 2012.
S. Çıracı, H. Sözer, B. Tekinerdogan. An
Approach for Detecting Inconsistencies between Behavioral Models of the Software
Architecture and the Code", in Proc. of the IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC 2012), pp. 257-266, Izmir, Turkey, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan, S. Cetin.
Global Software Development in Turkey (Turkish: "Türkiye'de
Küresel Yazılım Geliştirme"), in Proc. of 4th Turkish
Software Architecture Design Conference, December 2012.
H. Muccini, B. Tekinerdogan. Software Architecture Tool Demonstrations, in
Proceedings of the
WICSA/ECSA 2012 Companion Volume, pp. 84-85, Helsinki, Finland, August 20-24,
B. Tekinerdogan, A. Yazici (Eds.). Proceedings of the Sixth Turkish Software
Engineering Conference, Ankara, Turkey, June, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan, H. Sozer. Variability Viewpoint for Introducing Variability in
Software Architecture Viewpoints, in Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on
Variability in Software Architecture, pp. 163-166, Helsinki, Finland, August 20, 2012.
E. Tüzün, B. Tekinerdogan and H.A. Topçuoğlu. Comparison of Customer-Centric and
Product-Centric Organizations for Software Product Line Engineering, in: Proc.
of the 2nd International Workshop on Services, Clouds and Alternative Design
Strategies for Variant-Rich Software Systems, Salvador, Brasil, September 4,
B. Tekinerdogan. Software Product Line Engineering, in: Proc. of the the Sixth
Turkish Software Engineering Conference, pp. 214, Ankara, Turkey, June, 2012.
T. Celik, B. Tekinerdogan, K. Imre. Koşut ve Dağıtılmış Benzetim Sistemleri İçin
Uygun Yerleştirme Alternatiflerinin Türetilmesi (Turkish), in: Proc. of the the
Sixth Turkish Software Engineering Conference, pp. 211, Ankara, Turkey, June,
A. Rashid, J,. Araujo, J. Kienzle, B. Tekinerdogan, A. Moreira. Proceedings of
the workshop on Next Generation Modularity Approaches for Requirements and
Architecture, in Proc. of Aspect-oriented Software Development Conference,
Potsdam, Germany, March 25 - 30, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan, S. Cetin, M.A. Babar, P. Lago, and Juho Mäkiö, Architecting in
Global Software Engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 37,
Issue 1, pp. 1-7, January, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan. Reflection on Turkish Aspect-Oriented Software Development
Workshop Series, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 37, Issue 2,
March, 2012.
B. Tekinerdogan, Ö. Özköse Erdoğan, O. Aktuğ, A. "Multiple Product
Line Engineering for Radar EW project", technical report, Aselsan, 180 pages,
April, 2012.
Tekinerdogan, S. Bozbey, Y. Mester, E. Turanciftci, L. Alkislar, Aspect-Oriented
Tool Framework for Developing Process-Sensitive Embedded User Assistance
Systems, S. Katz et al. (Eds.): Transactions on AOSD VIII, LNCS 6580, pp.
199-223, 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, P. Clements, H. Muccini, M. Chaudron, A. Polini, E. Woods.
Architecture-Based Testing and System Validation-Workshop Summary. 9th
Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 20-24 June 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, K. Öztürk & A. Dogru.
Modeling and Reasoning about Design Alternatives of Software as a Service
Architectures, in Proc. Architecting Cloud Computing
Applications and Systems workshop, 9th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture, pp. 312-319, 20-24 June 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan.
Experiences in Teaching a Graduate Course on Model-Driven Software Development,
Journal of Computer Science Education, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 363-389, December 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, H. Sözer. Defining Architectural Viewpoints for
Quality Concerns, in Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Software
Architecture (ECSA 2011), LNCS 6903, pp. 2634, 2011.
E. Demirli & B. Tekinerdogan. Software Language Engineering of
Architectural Viewpoints, in Proc. of the 5th European
Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2011), LNCS 6903, pp. 336343,
E. Demirli & B. Tekinerdogan. SAVE: Software Architecture
Environment for Modeling Views, in proc. of WICSA 2011: 9th
Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, pp. 355-358, 20-24 June 2011.
B.M. Yildiz & B. Tekinerdogan. Architectural Viewpoints for Global Software
Development. in the Proc. of Global Software Engineering, First International
Workshop on Architecting in Helsinki, pp. 9-16, August, 2011.
K. Öztürk &
B. Tekinerdogan.
Feature Modeling of Software as a Service Domain to Support Application
Architecture Design, in the Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2011),
Barcelona, Spain, October, 2011.
B.M. Yildiz & B. Tekinerdogan. Meta-Model For Global Software
Development to Support Portability and Interoperability, in Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering
Advances (ICSEA 2011), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 98-103, October, 2011.
H. Sozer, C. Hofmann, B. Tekinerdogan, Mehmet Aksit. Runtime
Verification of Component-Based Embedded Software. Proc. of the 26th International Symposium on Computer and Information
Sciences, Springer, pp. 471-477, London, UK, 26-28 September,2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, S. Cetin, F. Savci. Exploring Architecture
Design Alternatives for Global Software Product Line Engineering, in Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Software
Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2011), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 515-521, October 2011.
B.M. Yildiz & B. Tekinerdogan. Domain Specific Language for Global Software
Development (Turkish), Proc. of the Fifth National Conference on Software Engineering (UYMS 2011),
pp. 189-197,
Ankara, Turkey, September, 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, Ö. Özköse Erdoğan, O. Aktuğ, Defining the
Architectural Decomposition of Radar and Electronic Warfare Domain using
Architectural Viewpoints for Multiple Product Line Engineering (Turkish),
Proc. of the Fifth National Conference on Software Engineering (UYMS 2011),
pp. 115-123, Ankara, Turkey, September, 2011.
B. Tekinerdogan, O. Aktuğ, Ö. Özköse Erdoğan. An Incremental
Product Line Engineering Process for Radar Electronic Warfare Project
(Turkish), Proc. of the Fifth National Conference on Software Engineering (UYMS 2011),
pp. 25-33, Ankara, Turkey, September, 2011.
Tekinerdogan & S. Çetin (Eds.).
Proceedings of the Third Turkish Conference on Software Architecture Design,
Ankara, Turkey, November, 2010.
Tekinerdogan, Exploring Research Directions in Software Architecture Modeling,
International Journal of Software Architecture, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 7-9, July
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. A Comparative Analysis of Software Engineering with
Mature Engineering Disciplines using a Problem-Solving Perspective, in
V. Bicer, A. Dogru (Eds.), Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices:
Advanced Approaches, IGI Global, pp. 1-18, 2010.
B. Tekinerdogan, E. Tüzün, E. Saykol. Multidimensional
Classification Approach for Defining Product Line Engineering Transition
Strategies, in: J. Bosch and J. Lee (Eds.): Proc. of the 14th International
Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2010), Korea LNCS 6287, pp. 461465,
September 2010.
Tekinerdogan, E. Tüzün, E. Saykol. Exploring the Business Case for Transitioning
from a Framework-based Approach to a Software Product Line Engineering Approach,
in: G. Botterweck et. al (Eds.), Proc. of the 14th International Software
Product Line Conference, Vol. 2,
Industrial Track, pp. 251-255, September 2010.
B. Tekinerdogan & E.
Er. Change Impact Analysis of Model-Driven Development Systems using Evolution
Scenario Templates, in Proceedings of the Models and Evolution Workshop, pp.
111-121, October
4, 2009.
H. Sözer, B.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. FLORA: A Framework for Decomposing Software
Architecture to Introduce Local Recovery, Wiley Software Practice and Experience
journal, Vol. 39, No. 10, p. 869-889, July, 2009.
B. Tekinerdogan & N. Aktekin. Interaction-based Feature-Driven Model-Transformations for Generating E-Forms, in
Proceedings of
First International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development, ACM
DL, pp. 103-108, Denver, USA, October 6, 2009.
H. Sözer, B.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Software Architecture Design for Local Recovery, in: R.
Mathijssen (Ed.): Trader-Reliability of High-Volume Consumer Products, Embedded
Systems Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, pp.139-150, July, 2009.
Tekinerdogan & E. Er. Managing Aspect Orderings to Support Multiple Quality
Factors, ACM DL, pp. 13-18, Aspect-Oriented Modeling Workshop, AOSD,
Charlottesville, March, 2009.
Tekinerdogan, F. Scholten, C. Hofmann, M. Aksit. Concern-Oriented Analysis and
Refactoring of Software Architectures using Dependency Structure Matrices,
ACM DL, pp. 13-18, Early Aspects Workshop AOSD, Charlottesville, March,
Tekinerdogan, H. Sözer, & M. Aksit. Software Architecture Reliability Analysis
using Failure Scenarios, Elsevier Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 81, Issue 4, pp. 558-575, April 2008.
H. Sözer and
B. Tekinerdogan. Introducing Recovery Style for Modeling and Analyzing System
Recovery. In: 7th IEEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture, 18-22
Feb 2008, Vancouver, Canada. pp. 167-176, 2008.
M. Pinto, R.
Chitchyan, A. Rashid, A. Moreira, J. Araújo, P.C. Clements, E. Baniassad, B.
Tekinerdogan: Early aspects at ICSE 2008: workshop on aspect-oriented
requirements engineering and architecture design. ICSE Companion 2008:
1053-1054, 2008.
V. Alves, C.
Schwanninger, P. Clements, A. Rashid, A.
Moreira, J. Araújo, E.A. Baniassad, B. Tekinerdogan: Early Aspects:
Aspect-Oriented Requirements and Architecture for Product Lines (EA@SPLC.08).
Software Product Line Conference 2008.
Tekinerdogan, C. Hofmann & M. Aksit. Modeling Traceability of Concerns for
Synchronizing Architectural Views, in Journal of Object Technology, vol. 6, no.
7, Special Issue: Aspect-Oriented Modeling, pages 725, August 2007.
Tekinerdogan, C. Hofmann, M. Aksit, J. Bakker. Metamodel for Tracing Concerns
across the Software Life Cycle. in: A. Moreira & J. Grundy (Eds.), Early
Aspects: Current Challenges and Future Directions. , Springer LNCS 4765,
Vancouver, Canada, March 13, 2007.
B. Shiskov,
M. van Sinderen, B. Tekinerdogan. Model-Driven Specification of Software
Services, in: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering
(ICEBE'07), pp. 13-21, Hong Kong, China, 24-26 October, 2007.
Tekinerdogan, C. Hofmann & M. Aksit. Modeling Traceability of Concerns in
Architectural Views, ACM Digital Library, Vol 209, pp. 49-56, 2007.
Tekinerdogan, M. Aksit & F. Henninger. Impact of Evolution of Concerns in the
Model-Driven Architecture Design Approach, journal of Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 163, No. 2, pp. 45-64, April, 2007.
H. Sözer, C.
Hofmann, B. Tekinerdogan, & M. Aksit. Detecting Mode Inconsistencies in
Component-Based Embedded Software, Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems,
International Conference on Dependable Systems, Edinburgh, UK, 2007.
R. Chitchyan,
A. Rashid, A. Moreira, J. Araújo, P. Clements, E. Baniassad, B.Tekinerdogan:
Early Aspects at ICSE 2007: Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering
and Architecture Design. in: Proc. of 29th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE Companion), pp. 127-128, 2007.
H. Sözer, B.
Tekinerdogan, & M. Aksit. Extending Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Approach
for Reliability Analysis at the Software Architecture level, Springer LNCS, Vol.
4615, Architecting Dependable Systems IV, pp. 409-433, August, 2007.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit & F. Introducing the Concept of Synthesis in the
Software Architecture Design Process, Journal of Integrated Design and Process
Science, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.45-56, 2006.
E. Baniassad,
P. Clements, J. Araujo, A. Moreira, A. Rashid, B. Tekinerdogan, Discovering
Early Aspects, IEEE Software, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 61-70, January, 2006.
Tekinerdogan, O. Kalıpsız, S. Çetin, A. Doğru (Eds.). Conference Proceedings of
the First National Software Architecture Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, ISBN.
975-461-418-0, November, 2006.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Integrating the Concept of Synthesis in the Software
Architecture Design Process. in: Proc. of Integrated Design and Process
Technology, San Diego, US, June 2006.
K. van den
Berg, B. Tekinerdogan, H. Nguyen, Analysis of Crosscutting in Model
Transformations, European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture, Traceability
workshop, July, 2006.
B.Tekinerdogan, A.Garcia, C. Chavez, U. Kulesza. Towards an Integrated
Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approach for Software Architecture Design,
Aspect-Oriented Modeling Workshop, AOSD 2006, Bonn, March, 2006.
Tekinerdogan. Introducing a graduate course on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 21, No 2,
March-April, 2005.
Tekinerdogan, S. Bilir & C. Abatlevi. Integrating Platform Selection Rules in
the Model-Driven Architecture Approach, in: Proc. of Model-Driven Architecture
Foundations and Applications, LNCS 3599, pp. 159-173, 2005.
Tekinerdogan, H. Sözer, M. Aksit. Software Architecture Reliability Analysis
using Failure Scenarios, 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software
Architecture (WICSA), Working Session, Pittsburgh, US, November, 6-10, 2005.
R. Chitchyan, A. Rashid, P. Sawyer, A. Garcia, J. Bakker, M. Pinto Alarcon, B.
Tekinerdogan, S. Clarke, and A. Jackson, Survey of Aspect-Oriented Analysis and
Design, AOSD Europe network of excellence, no. AOSDEurope-ULANC-9, pp. 1-259,
J. Bakker, B.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Characterization of Early Aspect Approaches, in: Early
Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
Workshop, Chicago, March 14, 2005.
A. Rashid, A.
Moreira, B. Tekinerdogan (Eds.), IEE Proceedings-Software. Editorial, Special
Issue of Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and
Architecture Design, 151(4): 153-156, 2004.
J. Noppen, M.
Aksit, V. Nicola, B. Tekinerdogan. A market-driven approach based on Markov
decision theory for optimal use of resources in software development, IEE
Software Special Issue on Unanticipated Software Evolution, 151(2), pp. 85-94,
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Aspecten in Architectuur. Informatie, Vol. 46. No 1.
pp. 22-29, January/February, 2004.
Tekinerdogan. ASAAM: Aspectual Software Architecture Analysis Method, in Proc.
of 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), pp. 5-14,
June, 2004.
Tekinerdogan, A. Moreira, J. Araujo, P. Clements (Ed.). Early Aspects:
Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design, Lancaster, UK,
March, 2004.
Tekinerdogan & Y. Satıroğlu. Towards an Aspectual Analysis of Legacy Systems,
in: Fifth Workshop on Object-Oriented Requirements Engineering, Oslo, Norway,
June 15, 2004.
Tekinerdogan, S. Bilir & C. Abatlevi. Integrating Platform Selection Rules in
the Model Driven Architecture Approach, in: Proc. of Model-Driven Architecture:
Foundations and Applications, pp. 186-203,Linkoping, Sweden, June 10/11, 2004.
B. and Moreira, A. and Araújo, J. and Clements, P. Early Aspects:
Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design. Technical
Report TR-CTIT-04-44 Centre for Telematics and Information Technology,
University of Twente, Enschede. ISSN 1381-3625, 2004.
Tekinerdogan, Y. Topaloğlu, S. Cetin, T. Torosdağli, M.Aksit (Ed.), Second
Workshop on Impact of Software Process on Quality, Workshop Proceedings, Ege
University, Izmir, Turkey, May 20/21, 2004.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Fuzzy Evaluation of Domain Knowledge, in: J. Lee (ed.),
Studies in Fuziness: Software Engineering with Fuzzy Theory,
Berlin:Springer-Verlag, Vol. 121, pp. 183-203, March, 2003.
Tekinerdogan. Formalizing Agile Software Development Methods, Impact of Software
Process on Quality Workshop, Ankara, Turkey, June 6, 2003.
Tekinerdogan. ASAAM: Aspectual Software Architecture Analysis Method, Early
Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design
Workshop, March 17, Boston, USA, 2003.
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit, Managing Variability in Product Line Scoping using
Design Space Models, in: J. van Gurp & J. Bosch (eds.), Proc. Workshop Software
Variability Management, Groningen, IWI 2003-7-01, pp. 5-12, The Netherlands,
February 13/14, 2003.
Tekinerdogan (Ed.). First Turkish Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software
Development (TAOSD), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May 10, 2003.
Tekinerdogan, T. Torosdağli, Y. Topaloğlu. First workshop on Impact of Software
Process on Quality, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey,
June 6, 2003.
Tekinerdogan, M. Saeki, P. van den Broek, G. Sunyé, P. Hruby.
Automating Object-Oriented Software Development Methods. in: A. Frohner
(Ed.), Object-Oriented Technology, Berlin: Springer Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 2323, pp.
41-56, 2002.
J. Noppen, B.
Tekinerdogan, M. Aksit, M. Glandrup, V. Nicola. Optimising software development
policies for evolutionary system requirements, First International Workshop on
Unanticipated Software Evolution, Malaga Spain, June, 2002.
S. Cohen, B.
Tekinerdogan, K. Czamecki. A case study on requirement specification: driver
monitor, in: Workshop on Techniques for Exploiting Commonality Through
Variability Management at the Second International Conference on Software
Product Lines (SPLC2), 2002.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit. Classifying and Evaluating Architecture Design
Methods, in Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the
Art in Research and Practice, M. Aksit (Ed.), Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers,
pp. 3 - 27, 2001.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit. Synthesis Based Software Architecture Design, in
Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the Art in
Research and Practice, M. Aksit (Ed.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.
143 - 173, 2001.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan. Deriving Design Alternatives Based on Quality Factors, in
Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the Art in
Research and Practice, M. Aksit (Ed.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.
225 - 257, 2001.
L. Bergmans,
M. Aksit and B. Tekinerdogan, Aspect Composition Using Composition Filters, in
Software Architectures and Component Technology: The State of the Art in
Research and Practice, M. Aksit (Ed.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.
357 - 382, 2001.
Tekinerdogan. Design and Experimentation of a Fuzzy Logic Controller for
Evaluating Domain Knowledge, in Proceedings of Second International Workshop on
Softcomputing Applied to Software Engineering (SCASE), 2001.
M. Aksit, B.
Tekinerdogan and L. Bergmans, The Six Concerns for Separation of Concerns, ECOOP
2001 Workshop on Advanced Separation of concerns, Budapest, 2001.
Tekinerdogan, P. van den Broek, M. Saeki, P. Hruby, G. Sunyé, Automating
Object-Oriented Software Development; Methods Workshop,
workshop proceedings, ECOOP 2001, Centre for Telematics and Information
Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands, TR-CTIT-01-35, 137 pp,
October 2001.
Tekinerdogan. Synthesis-Based Software Architecture Design, PhD Thesis, Dept. of
Computer Science, University of Twente, March 23, 2000.
M. Aksit, F.
Marcelloni, B. Tekinerdogan. Developing Object-Oriented Frameworks Using Domain
Models, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 32, No. (1es), March 2000.
L. Bergmans,
B. Tekinerdogan, M. Glandrup and M. Aksit, On Composing Separated Concerns,
Composability and Composition Anomalies, ACM OOPSLA'2000 workshop on Advanced
Separation of Concerns, Minneapolis, October 2000.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit, Separation and Composition of Concerns through
Synthesis-Based Design, ACM OOPSLA'2000 workshop on Advanced Separation of
Concerns, Minneapolis, October 2000.
L. Bergmans,
B. Tekinerdogan, M. Glandrup & M. Aksit. On Composing Software from Multiple
Concerns: Composability and Composition Anomalies. August 2000.
M. Aksit, B.
Tekinerdogan, F. Marcelloni and L. Bergmans, Deriving Object-Oriented Frameworks
from Domain Knowledge, Building Application Frameworks: Object-Oriented
Foundations of Framework Design, M. Fayad, D. Schmidt, R. Johnson (Eds.), John
Wiley & Sons Inc., pp. 169-198, 1999.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Aspect-Oriented Programming Using Composition Filters, in
Object-Oriented Technology, S. Demeyer, S & Bosch, J. (eds.), LNCS 1543,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 435, 1999.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit. On the
Notion of Software Engineering: A Problem Solving Perspective, Telematica
Instituut, CTIT, 1999.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Evaluating Architecture Implementation Alternatives based on
Adaptability Concerns, Proceedings of the 2nd. IEEE International Symposium on
Object-Oriented Real Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'99), pp. 155-158, St
Malo, May 1999.
M. Aksit, & B. Tekinerdogan. Mapping aspects to components, Telematica
Instituut, Enschede: CTIT, Techincal Report, TI/RS/99065
(AMIDST/WP2/N006/V05), 1999
Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Deriving design aspects from conceptual models. In:
Demeyer, S., & Bosch, J. (eds.), Object-Oriented Technology, LNCS 1543,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 410-414, 1998.
B.Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Providing automatic support for heuristic rules of
methods. In: Demeyer, S., & Bosch, J. (eds.), Object-Oriented Technology, LNCS
1543, Springer-Verlag, pp. 496-499, 1998.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Automating the Object-Oriented Software Development Process, in
Object-Oriented Technology, S. Demeyer and J. Bosch (Eds.), LNCS 1543, ECOOP'98
Workshop Reader, Springer Verlag, pp. 474-477, 1998.
M. Aksit & B.
Tekinerdogan. Deriving Frameworks from Knowledge-Based Architecture
Specifications, ACM OOPSLA'98 workshop Architectures and Domain Analysis:
Experiences in Making the Connection, 1998.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Solving the Modeling Problems of Object-Oriented Languages by
Composing Multiple Aspects Using Composition Filters, Aspect-Oriented
Programming workshop, 1998.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Formalizing Adaptability Aspects, International Conference on
Software Engineering, Aspect-Oriented Programming workshop, Kyoto, April 1998.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Deriving Frameworks from Knowledge-Based Architecture
Specifications, the ACM OOPSLA'98 workshop Architectures and Domain Analysis:
Experiences in Making the Connection, 1998.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit, Modeling Heuristic Rules of Methods, Dept. of
Computer Science, University of Twente, 1998.
M. Aksit and
B. Tekinerdogan, Component Composability Issues in Object-Oriented Programming,
XOOTIC journal, Vol. 5, No 2, pp 15-20, December 1997.
M. Aksit and B. Tekinerdogan. Reusing and Composing Components: Problems and
Solutions. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Smalltalk
and Java (STJA'97), Erfurt, Germany, September 1997.
K. Mens, C.
Lopes, B. Tekinerdogan & G. Kiczales. Aspect-Oriented Programming. In J.Bosch,
J. and S.Mitchell (Eds), ECOOP'97 Workshop Reader, LNCS 1357, pp. 481-494, 1997.
M. Aksit, F.
Marcelloni, B. Tekinerdogan, K. van den Berg and P. van den Broek, Active
Software Artifacts, In Object-Oriented Technology, J. Bosch and S. Mitchell
(Eds.), LNCS 1357, pp. 307-310,
June 1997.
M. Aksit, B.
Tekinerdogan and L. Bergmans, Achieving Adaptability through Separation and
Composition of Concerns, in M. Mühlhauser (Ed.), Special Issues in
Object-Oriented Programming, dpunkt verlag, pp. 12-23, 1996.
Tekinerdogan and M. Aksit, Adaptability in Object-Oriented Software Development,
Workshop report, in Special Issues in Object-Oriented Programming, M. Mühlhauser
(Ed.), in M. Mühlhauser (Ed.)Special Issues in Object-Oriented Programming,
dpunkt verlag, pp. 7-11, 1996.
Tekinerdogan. Modeling Adaptability in Object-Oriented
Software Development.
ECOOP '96, Adaptability in OO software development workshop. Linz, Austria,
Tekinerdogan. A Meta-Model for Composition Techniques in Object-Oriented
Software Development. ECOOP '96, Composability issues in object-oriented
software development workshop, Linz, Austria, 1996.
Tekinerdogan. An application framework for building dynamically configurable
transaction systems. OOPSLA '96, Development of Object-Oriented Frameworks
Workshop, San Jose, US, 1996.
L. Bergmans,
B. Tekinerdogan & M. Aksit. Modular and Composable Extensions to Smalltalk using
Composition Filters. OOPSLA '96, Extending the Smalltalk Language Workshop, San
Jose, US, 1996.
Tekinerdogan & H. Krammer. Design of a Modular Composable Tutoring Shell for
Imperative Programming Languages. In Proceedings of the International Conference
on Computers in Education, Singapore, December 1995.
Tekinerdogan, H. Krammer, J. Merrienboer & M. Schonewille. A Generic Domain
Model for an Imperative Programming Languages Tutor Shell. In Proceedings of the
European Conference on Computer Assisted Language Learning, Valencia, Spain,
September 1995.
Tekinerdogan, H. Krammer & J. Merrienboer. Design of a general Planmatcher for
Diagnosing Student Programs. In Proceedings of the 7th world conference on
Artificial Intelligence in Education, Washington DC, August 1995.
Tekinerdogan. Design of a Reflective Tutoring System Shell. Technical Report.
Memorandum of Dept. of Computer Science, University of Twente, 75 pages, October
M. Aksit, F.
Marcelloni, B. Tekinerdogan, C. Vuijst & L. Bergmans. Designing software
architectures as a composition of specializations of knowledge domains.
University of Twente, Dept. of Computer Science, Memorandum INF-95-44, 1995.
Tekinerdogan. Design of an Object-Oriented
Framework for Atomic
Transactions, MSc. thesis, University of Twente, Dept of Computer Science, 1994.
Tekinerdogan. Design of an Object-Oriented
Framework for User-Interfaces.
technical report AT&T, Huizen, The Netherlands, 98 pages, March, 1993.