CS 411:

Bilkent University

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Dr. Bedir Tekinerdoğan

Midterm Project

Description Report Presentation Selected Projects

The project report will describe the software architecture design for a selected case. The following points need at least to be addressed:

  • Introduction
    Describes the context and the introduction of the project.
  • Case Description
    What is the goal of the project? Describe the case. What kind of problem will you address?
  • The software architecture design process
    Describes the steps followed in designing the software architecture. These are essentially based on the synthesis-based software architecture design approach as discussed during the lectures.
  • Requirements Analysis
    Describes the stakeholders and for each of these the related requirements. Requirements can be defined using textual requirements, use cases, (architectural) scenarios, prototype(s), state transition diagrams (if necessary).
  • Technical Problem Analysis
    Describes the basic technical problems/concerns that need to be solved by the software architecture.
  • Domain Analysis
    Describes the identified domains, the knowledge sources, the evaluation of knowledge sources, the derived concepts, the structure and description of concepts.
  • Software Architecture Design
    Presents the logical/conceptual software architecture design using UML (stereotyped classes).
  • Conclusion
    Summary, lessons learned, obstacles, future work.
You should deliver 1 hardcopy of your project and the electronic version (PDF format) by e-mail to the course assistant and supervisor before the deadline. You will need to elaborate on this mid-term project's results for the final project, so please keep the results and the related documentation.

The project report templates can be found here.
Some example projects reports: example1, example2, example3.
Please note that these should be considered just as examples to give you some insight in how a report may look like. These are sample projects from past years. In no way, do we claim that these projects are perfect! Moreover, the assignments for the project might have changed.