CS 411:

Bilkent University

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Dr. Bedir Tekinerdoğan


Students will work on course projects in groups that form architecture teams. The project will clarify the concepts that have been taught during the classes. In addition to the technical aspects of software architecture design the project will also focus on team work and coordination of the architecture design activities.

Each software architecture design team must come up with its own case for which they would like to design a software architecture. This case must be approved by the supervisor. Each group will consist of four members. All group members will get the same mark for the work they do, unless an exceptional situation may happen. Each student, however, should be able to indicate the part that he/she is primarily responsible for.

You are free to form your own team, otherwise the instructor will form teams. The course will include the following two projects (click on the links for detailed information):

Midterm project
Case description, Architectural Requirements Analysis, Technical Problem Analysis, Domain Analysis, Domain Modeling and design of conceptual architecture using the Synthesis-based Software Architecture Design approach.  

Final project:
Multiple Views of Architecture, architectural patterns and evaluation of software architecture.

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