Entry by our scientific research engineer, using i-Vis' graph visualization libraries wins 1st place award at Graphathon by TigerGraph among 331 submissions.
i-Vis (Information Visualization) Research Lab of Computer Engineering Department at Bilkent University has been performing research and development activities mainly in the area of big data analytics and visualization since 1998.

Our lab mainly performs research and development activites on algorithms and tools for storing, querying, and automatic layout, visualization, and complexity management of relational information (graph or network) in big data, with emphasis in biological domain.
What We Do at i-Vis
See our Research and Development / Project activities in more detail. The lab is also involved in community projects such as BioPAX (Biological Pathways Exchange) and SBGN (Systems Biology Graphical Notation).

Open source software libraries developed by our lab can be found here in GitHub. Some demos and tutorials on our methods and tools can be found here in YouTube.

We are currently collaborating with or in the past collaborated with the following institutions in our research and development activities:



Our algorithms and software libraries are being used both in academia and in the industry for many real life applications.