[2025-2027] Static and incremental automatic layout algorithms for compound graphs
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #125E061)]
[2024-2025] SAA: Supporting the software development process with visualization-based methods using software analytics
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #123E492)]
[2021-2024] Effective Analysis of Big Data Through Graph Visualization with A Unified Complexity Management Framework
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #121E230)]
[2021-2022] Detecting and preventing fraud in telecom networks through graph based modeling, querying and visualization
[Funded by TUBITAK (TEYDEB #5200049) and Turkcell Technology]
[2019-2021] Big graph visualization and analysis using advanced querying, fast layout and complexity management techniques
[Funded by TUBITAK (TEYDEB #5180088) and Huawei-Turkey]
[2018-2020] Efficient Layout Algorithms for Compound Graphs With Support for Ports and Constraints
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #118E131)]
[2014-] Newt Pathway Viewer and Editor
[In collaboration with the Demir Lab at OHSU, USA, and EISBM, France]
[2016-] PathwayMapper (An Interactive and Collaborative Graphical Curation Tool for Cancer Pathways)
[In collaboration with MSKCC, USA]
[2014-2016] SBGNViz (Methods and Tools for Effective Analysis of Biological Processes with SBGN Diagrams)
[In collaboration with the Demir Lab at OHSU, USA][Funded by TUBITAK]
[2011-] cBio Cancer Genomics Portal pathway views
[In collaboration with MSKCC & Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard Medical School, USA, and others]
[2014-] Cytoscape.js compound support and various extensions
[In collaboration with Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, Canada]
[2011-2013] Cytoscape Web compound support
[In collaboration with Donnelly Centre for Cellular & Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto, Canada]
[2007-] ChiBE (Chisio BioPAX Editor)
[In collaboration with Net Bio Lab at UMass Boston, USA]
[2006-2009] PVS - VISIBIOweb (Pathway Visualization Services)
[2006-2014] Chisio (Compound or Clustered Graph Visualization Tools)
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #111E036)]
[2000-2011] PATIKA (Pathway Analysis Tool for Integration and Knowledge Acquisition)
[Funded by TUBITAK (ARDEB #104E049)]
[2000-2001] Complexity Management Techniques in Graph Visualization Cntd.
[Funded by Tom Sawyer Software, USA]
[2000] Complexity Management Techniques in Graph Visualization
[Funded by Tom Sawyer Software, USA]