About Me
I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University. I am also a Research Affiliate with the Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics Group of Delft University of Technology. I was previously a Postdoctoral Researher at Delft University of Technology, a Visiting Researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Research Assistant at the University of Amsterdam. My research interests include Affective Computing, Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction, Pattern Recognition, and Computer Vision.
The main topics I have conducted research on so far are face analysis, behavior understanding, human-computer interaction, painting analysis, and object detection/tracking.
Enabling Dynamics in Face Analysis,
Ph.D. Thesis (supervisor: T. Gevers, co-supervisor: A.W.M.
Smeulders), University of Amsterdam, 2014.
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Part-Based 3D Face Recognition under
Pose and Occlusion Variations, M.Sc. Thesis (supervisor:
L. Akarun), Boğaziçi University, 2008.
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