CS 587 -
Model-Driven Software Development

Bilkent University

Study Material
Exam Guidelines

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Dr. Bedir Tekinerdoğan


General Info DSL and Metamodeling Model Transformations

To practice the topics addressed in the lectures, the course includes a project. For this students need to form groups of 3 members. The groups will select a case for which an MDSD approach is applied. The assignment will focus on a selected domain and define the abstract syntax, concrete syntax, static semantics, DSL grammar, model-to-model transformations, and model-to-text transformations.

Each group should deliver a report and hold a presentation. The project is split up in two parts:

(1) domain specific language engineering (metamodeling) and

(2) model transformations (model-to-model and model-to-text transformations) 

The groups and the selected cases are as follows:

Group Members Selected Case
1 Fuat Basik,
Mert Emin Kalender
2 Havva Gülay Gürbüz,
Habibe Güldamla Özsema
3 Burak Uzun,
Yağız Salor
4 Emin Yiğit Köksal,
Erdem Sarıgil,
Çağlar Terzi
5 Mustafa Battal
Burak Kocuroğlu

For the specific details of both parts click on the buttons above.


Important Dates

April 15, 2013 Deliver midterm project results:
- one hardcopy + electronic version of project report
on DSL; deliver presentation the day before

- Presentation in Powerpoint
May 15, 2013 Deliver final project results:
- one hardcopy + electronic version of complete project report
deliver presentation the day before

- Presentation in Powerpoint