Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes


Schedule and Lecture Notes (pdf & ppt files)

1 Feb.   08,09 Preliminaries (S1), Disks (S2.1), Seek Time (S2.2), Rotational Latency and Block Transfer Time (S2.3)
2 Feb.   15,16 Records and Buckets (S2.4), Double Buffering (S2.5)
3 Feb.   22,23 Unordered Sequential Files (Pile Files) (S3.1)
4 Mar     1, 2 Sorted Sequential Files (S3.2)
5 Mar     8, 9 External File Sorting (S4.1, S4.2, T13)
6 Mar    15 Midterm I (11:00am)
Mar    16 Indexed Sequential Files (S5.1 ISAM & T4)
7 Mar    22,23 Direct File Organization (T3), Hashing Functions (T3), Collision Resolution (T3)
  Mar    29,30  Feast of Sacrifice
8 Apr.    5, 6 Hashing Techniques for Expandable Files (S6, T10), Linear Hashing (S6.1)
9 Apr.   12,13 Extendible Hashing (S.6)
10 Apr.   19,20 Tree Indexes (S5, T8), Binary  Search Trees (T8.1)
11 Apr.   26,27 B+ Trees (S5.2, T9), Range Queries and Leaf Size (S5.3)
12 May     3 Midterm II
May     4 Insertion and Deletion in B+-Trees (S5.4), Constructing a B+-Tree for an Existing File (S5.5)
13 May    10,11 Managing  Several  Record Types (S7.1 & S7.2)
14 May    17,18   Secondary Key Retrieval Revisited (T12)
15 May    24,25 Modern Disks 
  June 9 Final Exam

* S: (Salzberg, 1988) T: (Tharp, 1988)


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