(week 5 continued)



Additions are made to the end of the file.


                                                  end of file      


prime area




  1. Only one record associated with the prime data area.                                                                                                                  

                         Mark the position of record x as available.








  1. Deletion of A from the following file









  1. Deletion of B from the following file









Top-module for deletion:


open input trans-file

open I-o master file

move o to end-of-trans-file



until end-of-trans-file = 1

close file

stop run














Apply – transaction


A – perform addition operation

D – perform delete operation

M – perform modification operation


perform read-trans-file











Delete operation


Move Tk to input-of-hash-function

Perform hash-function

Perform output-of-has-function to record-position

Perform check-existence

Case of record-states

            : not found: error

            : found: perform take-out-record















Hashing Techniques For Extendable Hashing


Files expand and shrink as we add and delete records.


B+ trees                                                index






                                                                                    data nodes




                                                                                                index                data nodes (buckets)

Extendible File

B+ trees     










H(K) = pseudo key                     index                                                                                     (binary number)                                                  data bucket








We have:

2 disk accesses: index, data bucket

1 disk access: keep index in main memory only one disk access and it is for the data bucket


 number of

index entries                  index depth

2                                                                    1

4                                      2

8                                                                    3

16                                                               4


n                                   log2n



Use the leftmost (most significant) n bits (n = depth of index) of the pseudo key to select the corresponding index entry.


directory depth (d)

bucket depth (p): number of bits needed to distinguish the pseudo key on a page from those on other pages.



Example for Extendible Hashing:



Insert 46:


Insert 70:

Insert 7:


Insert 61:


Example: Directory Size

n=6000000(400 bytes/record)

Bkfr=50(Bucket size= 50*400=20kb)

Lf=0.7   6000000/(50*0.7)=171429 buckets (<218)

No of pointers =218

4 bytes/ pointer

218*22=220=(1 MB)

A variation: Bounded Index Extendible Hashing (By Lomet)

         Larger Buckets

         Index has multiple levels







The forest of binary trees is used in dynamic hashing.





H0             0     







Binary trees



H0(keyi)              {0,…n} which subdirectory to use out of(n+1) subdirectiries.


B(H1 (keyi)) =( bi0, bi1, …)   bij Î {0,1} for all j.


It generates a sequence of binary digits when number of 0’s and 1’s are the same.

                        This type of binary tree is called “complete binary tree.”























               :Internal node


                 :External Node(on any level)


                 :Data Buckets



                       Internal Node Structure                                     External Node Structure








H0 (key)=mod(key,3)

H1 (key)=mod(key,11)


B(0)=1011                B(6) =0001

B(1)=0000         B(7) =1110

B(2)=0100         B(8) =0011

B(3)=0111         B(9) =0111

B(4)=1111         B(10)=1001







1.)Insert the records with the keys (27, 42, 11, 37, 14, 30) using dynamic hashing with H0(key)= mod(key, 3), and H1(key)= mod(key, 11).  Assume that a page (bucket) can hold two records and use the following pseudo random bit string:

(0)= 1011, B(1)= 0000, B(2)= 0100, B(3)= 0110, B(4)= 1111, B(5)= 0101,

B(6)= 0001, B(7)= 1110, B(8)= 0011, B(9)= 0111, B(10)= 1001.




                            Key             H0 (key)                       H1 (key)                              B(H1 (key))


                            27                            0                                 5                                 0101


                            18                            0                                 7                                 1110


                            29                            2                                 7                                 1110


                            28                            1                                 6                                 0001


                            39                            0                                 6                                 0001


                            13                            1                                 2                                 0100


                            16                            1                                 5                                 0101


                            36                            0                                 3                                 0110              






        initial condition


                                              H0 (key)

         0                      1                         2              Subtree 0,1,2 only external nodes




        insert 27                           insert 18,29,28


                                       0                 1                   2










       Insert 39,13  


                                       1                        1                          2         













     Insert 16                                                                                                          1                      2


                     0                                                                1      


       0               1                                                                 













Insert 36                                                                                                     1                                        2



        0                  1   



     0            1











Index can be too large.How to decrease the index size?

Two variants by Scholl(in ACM TODS)


a)Use overflow buckets to delay splitting


                                                                        b x Bkfr =no.of records



                                                                                                            b x Bkfr

0                      Overflow bucket          



                b x Bkfr







  Max 3 records =1.5 X 2

  Try to insert 4th one then split



Choose b such that index fits into memory.

The no.of disk accesses is at most éb ù .



b) split the least recently split page after a fixed number of records

    No need for pointers. Index size becomes smaller by this we may keep it in memory . so far each record there will be one disk access.(for overflows not one.)







1.) Insert the records with the keys (27, 42, 11, 37, 14, 30) using dynamic hashing with H0(key)= mod(key, 3), and H1(key)= mod(key, 11).  Assume that a page (bucket) can hold two records and use the following pseudo random bit string:

B(0)= 1011, B(1)= 0000, B(2)= 0100, B(3)= 0110, B(4)= 1111, B(5)= 0101,

B(6)= 0001, B(7)= 1110, B(8)= 0011, B(9)= 0111, B(10)= 1001.




                            Key             H0 (key)                                   H1 (key)                              B(H1 (key))


                            27                            0                                 5                                 0101


                            42                            0                                 9                                 0111


                            11                            2                                 0                                 1011


                            37                            1                                 4                                 1111


                            14                            2                                 3                                 0110


                            30                            0                                 8                                 0011




Initial condition

                        0                 1               2




Insert 27:

                        0               1                 2








Insert 42:

                          0                    1              2








Insert 11:

                                0              1                  2 








Insert 37:

                                    0             1                   2










Insert 14:

                                                0                 1               2









Insert 30:

                                     0                                                   1                   2



                         0                             1












    2.)     Redo the above question with the deferred splitting  b =1.5





The number of records with the overflow area is bX Bkfr = 1.5 X 2 = 3








                            initial condition


                                              H0 (key)

         0                      1                         2             





             insert 27,42,11,37,14


                            0                         1                                                  2







        insert  30


    0                                                                1                                                 2        







                                    Overflow area




3).Insert the following keys into an extendible hash file:( 44,16,19,30,22,32,31), use bucket size of 3. Hash function is defined mod(key,7).




Pseudokey mod(key,7)

Binary Pseudokey






















Insertion of 44,16 and 19:

Insertion of 30: 30 (010) goes to A; since A is full, we need to split.

Insertion of 22 and 32: 22 (001) goes to A; since A is full again, we need to split.

                                    32 (100) goes to B.

Insertion of 31: 31 (011) goes to A; since A is full again we need to split.