
Internship i-Vis Information Visualization Lab is looking for motivated undergraduate students as interns, especially during summers, to work (certain positions are paid) in our research and development projects. Some of our interns participate in Google Summer of Code. Please contact me at the beginning of the spring semester if you're interested in joining us during this summer.
Senior Projects, Undergraduate Research A list of past senior term projects, mostly part of research projects at i-Vis, can be found here. Similarly, a list of current and past CS 390 and 490 projects can be found here.
Reference Letters

Who qualifies for a reference from me?

The following may roughly be used to determine whether one qualifies to get up to a dozen reference letters from me. Those who score at least two points w/ the following scoring system:
  • +1 for each course taken from me and received a grade of B or higher
  • +1 for doing their summer practice under my supervision
  • +1 for doing their senior project under my supervision in an area of my research interest
  • +1 per year for graduate studies under my supervision

Exceptions to the rule above may include:
  • Having done exceptionally well in any one of the activities listed above other than performance in a course

When and how to submit material:

If you qualify for a reference, you should fill out this form and provide the material indicated at least 10 days before you need the reference letters.
Advice to Freshmen

Here is some advice to CS freshmen.

Broken Stick Problem

Here is an alternative solution to the famous broken stick problem.