Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering
CS 590/690 SEMİNAR
OpenCL-Based Efficient HLS Implementation of Iterative Graph Algorithms on FPGA
Kenan Çağrı Hırlak
Ph.D. Student
(Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Özcan Öztürk )
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University
Abstract: The emergence of CPU-FPGA hybrid architectures creates a demand for high abstraction programming tools such as High-Level Synthesis (HLS). HLS often trades speed for convenience, which makes it a poor choice for applications in which computational performance is a crucial requirement, such as graph algorithms. In the scope of iterative graph algorithms, we developed custom HLS-based optimizations. Specifically, we applied these on PageRank (PR), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and Connected Components (CC) algorithms so that they can be synthesized with high-performance by HLS tools. We observed that well-pipelined OpenCL kernels could provide up to three times speedups on the Intel Xeon-FPGA architecture compared to CPU implementations. We optimized the traversal of vertices for pipelining to execute applications faster. Furthermore, our approach relies on the HLS workflow to make it effortless for the programmer.
DATE: 19 December, Monday @ 16:20 Place: EA 502