Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Ray Tracing Static and Dynamic Scenes using Tetrahedral Mesh Hybrid Acceleration Structures


Serkan Demirci
MS Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Ray tracing is a rendering method that generates an image by simulating interaction of light with objects on a virtual scene. Ray tracing uses ray-object intersection tests to find the closest intersection to estimate the illumination. Computational cost of the ray tracing method is directly proportional to the number of ray-object intersection tests. In naive ray tracer each ray must be tested against all of the objects in the scene. On complex scenes, naive ray tracing algorithm fails to achieve real-time performance due to required number of ray- object intersection tests. Ray tracing acceleration data structures like grid, bounding volume hierarchy (BVH), kd-tree, constrained tetrahedralization, has been developed to reduce the number of ray- object intersection tests to achieve real-time ray tracing. In this work we propose hybrid acceleration structure, BVH-Tetrahedral mesh hybrid (BTH) acceleration structure, that can be used to speed up ray tracing on static and animated scenes. Our hybrid structure is composed of a BVH, whose leaves contain tetrahedralizations of the objects. We compare our hybrid acceleration structure with state-of-the-art acceleration structures to show that our acceleration structure is competitive with state-of-the-art structures for static and dynamic scenes.


DATE: 06 May 2019, Monday, CS590 presentations begin at @ 15:40