Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Interactive creation, editing, and sharing of cancer pathways by using pathway curation tool


Leonard Dervishi
MS Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Information visualization focuses on visually representing abstract data to amplify human cognition. Graph visualization is considered as one of the main techniques in the field of information visualization. In this work, we focus on biological pathway visualization of cancer genomics data. A biological pathway represents series of molecular interactions in a cell that may lead to a certain product or a change within the cell. Several biological pathway visualization tools have been developed to help biologists analyze the cancer genomics data. Nevertheless, biologists prefer curated pathway diagrams like the ones featured in The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) manuscripts. These pathway diagrams outline the alterations occurring in pathways for different cancer types. To address this need, a web-based tool called PathwayMapper was developed. It can be used to view pre-curated cancer pathways or to create new pathways from scratch. PathwayMapper has multiple features including overlay of genomic alteration data from cBioPortal. Furthermore, a collaborative mode is developed so that the users can interactively create and modify the cancer pathways.


DATE: 26 March, 2018, Monday, CS590 & CS690 presentations begin at @ 15:40