Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering
Model-based Testing Approach for Software Safety
Havva Gülay Gürbüz
MSc Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent UniversityCurrently, an increasing number of systems are controlled by software and rely on the correct operation of software. In this context, a safety-critical system is defined as a system in which the malfunctioning of software could result in death, injury or damage to environment. Software can be considered safe if it does not produce an output which causes a catastrophic event for the system. Several methods, processes and models are developed in order to make the software safe. From this perspective, software testing becomes crucial step in safety-critical system development as it identifies faults. Recent developments in software testing have focused on model-based testing which apply models of the software to derive test elements and likewise reduce the time for testing and increase the quality of testing. In general, these approaches adopt lower level design abstractions such as state diagrams and do not focus on higher level architectural abstractions. An important category faults in safety-critical systems is due to the systemic properties as it is defined in the software architecture. For this purpose, we propose an approach for architecture-driven model-based testing for safety-critical system. To support our approach we have first defined architectural perspectives and architecture viewpoints dedicated to modeling safety-critical systems. In addition we have defined a framework that uses the architectural models to automatically derive testing elements.
DATE: 31 March, 2014, Monday @ 16:40