Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Decision Support Systems in Software Engineering


Mert Emin Kalender
MSc Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

Decision support systems (DSS) are built to help the process of decision-making via interactive computer-based systems. The need for decision support arises when decisions have to be made in complex, uncertain and dynamic environments. Yet software engineering implies large volume of questions and necessary decisions, and software development conveys a number of explicit or implicit constraints to accompany a variety of goals under a dynamically changing environment. Although researchers have suggested many approaches and use-cases of DSS, the utilisation of DSSs in the main stream of software engineering usually include manual application of many rules and guidelines which are very often implicit or scattered over the different approaches. The lack of automated support for storing and executing the rules impedes the decision making process.

A automated decision support framework is proposed based on questions, rules and strategies. The framework offers a common skeleton for implementation of decision support processes by creating intelligent questionnaires based on rules associated with strategies and triggered by answers with a certain set of actions. The framework is implemented in a web-based tool called Transit-PL and applied to analyse the feasibility of software product line engineering (SPLE) for an organisation and selecting the appropriate transition strategy.


DATE: 08 April, 2013, Monday @ 16:40