Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Longitudinal Analysis of Search Engine Query Logs – Temporal Coverage


Oğuz Yılmaz
MSc Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

The internet is growing day-by-day and also web search engine usage is increasing. Given the webs' importance, we need to understand how Web search engines perform, how people use and interact with Web search engines, and the Web-searching trends that are emerging over time. Due to importance of web search engines for both designer and end-user, we decide to analysis of the results of search engines. We provide a large-scale analysis of the evolution of query results obtained from a real search engine at two distant points in time, namely, in 2007 and 2010, for a set of 630000 real queries. Our analysis in this work attempts to find answers several high-level questions regarding the evolution of Web search results. We believe that this work, being the large-scale longitudinal analysis of query results, would shed some light on questions.

Keywords: Search engines, query logs, web evolution


DATE: 07 May, 2012, Monday @ 16:40