Bilkent University
Department of Computer Engineering


Virtual Sculpting and Pottery Making with Advanced Human Machine Interfaces


Nurettin Çağrı Kılıboz
MSc Student
Computer Engineering Department
Bilkent University

This thesis work presents a virtual sculpting and potter making method for interactive 3D object deformation. Virtual deformable objects are represented with volumetric (voxel based) approach and rendered using “Marching Cubes” algorithm. The interaction between the users and system accomplished by a virtual hand that is driven by a data glove and 3D position and orientation tracker. The deformation on the deformable objects can be done with either using directly the virtual hand or deformation tools that can be manipulated with virtual hand. The users can interact with GUI by only utilizing the provided input devices without need for a mouse. The proposed approach also supports elastic deformation with mesh based models. A mass-spring model is used to simulate elastic deformation on the mesh based models. The presented technique fills the gap between physical and digital designers and provides means for more intuitive and easy design process


DATE: 26 March, 2012, Monday @ 15:40