CS 5501 (and CS4501) - "Big Data and Visual Search"
In Spring 2015, I am teaching "CS 5501 (and CS 4501) - big data and visual search" class. In this class, students will gain experience on processing large data
sets. As a particular data application field, this class will cover mostly visual object recognition applications that utilize big data for learning and recognizing objects in images. Image retrieval, image matching, image parsing, object recognition are example applications that will be included in this class.
Time and location: Both CS5501 and CS4501 will take place on Tues.-Thurs., 5-6:15PM in Thornton E304.
Text Book: Kristen Grauman, Bastian Leibe, "Visual Object Recognition", Morgan & Claypool, Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, April 2011, 181 pages.