CS 490 – Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science

Course Details: 



Current Project Topics - Ozcan Ozturk

1.      Implementation of a Graph Processor Using GEM5 Simulator

·         Analyze graph applications and identify instructions to improve the performance

·         Add instructions specific to Graph Applications

·         Design a Graph Processor Using Gem5 Simulator

·         Test and implement various graph applications

·         Collect statistics to show the effects of using new instructions

2.      Profiler for Graph applications

·         Generate a profiler tool for iterative graph applications

·         Visually represent the application on an environment

·         Implement various graph applications

·         Collect statistics for the generated applications on the target profiler

3.      Simulator for a Graph Processor that extends RISC-V ISA

·         Simulate instructions of a graph processor

·         Implement cycle accurate or functional simulator

·         Emulate the graph processor that is built on RISC-V

4.      Compiler for a Graph Processor using RISC-V ISA

·         Add a compiler pass to utilize graph processor instructions of a graph processor

·         Implement the compiler pass on a state-of-the-art compiler framework such as LLVM

·         Test the compiler with the added instructions

See for more details:
     Dr. Özcan Öztürk
    Office Hours:  13:00 - 15:00,  Tuesday or  by appointment.
     Office: EA 407B, Phone: 3444
     WWW: http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~ozturk/