Bluetooth Scatternet Construction and Bluetooth Applications

Sponsor: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - TÜBİTAK

Grant No: EEEAG-103E014

Bluetooth standard provides the necessary building blocks and mechanisms to construct Bluetooth piconets and scatternets, but it does not define the policies for these constructions. As part of this project, we investigate issues and factors that  are important in constructing Bluetooth scatternets and we develop algorithms for this purpose  that considers  a number of different performance metrics such as low delay, high network utilization, low traffic blocking rate, etc. There are also  various proposed algorithms in the literature that aim different objectives and considers different factors in establishing scatternets. We also compare our proposals with these algorithms and come up with strategies that will  help in making decisions about which algorithms and protocols  to use under which scenarios and conditions. As part of the project, new Bluetooth and Wireless LAN (802.11b) applications for mobile environments  will be developed over our experimental test-bed that consists of stationary desktops and mobile pocket PCs all of which are interconnected using Bluetooth and 802.11b wireless networks.

Duration: September 2003 - September 2005

Principal Investigator: brahim Körpeoğlu

Researchers: Özgür Ulusoy, Ali Aydın Selçuk, Tağmaç Topal, Hüseyin Özgür Tan

Budget: 9,048 MTL ( ~ 6770 USD  - as of August 2003)