Bilkent University, Departments of Computer Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering

CS422/EEE436 - Wireless Networking Technologies and Applications

CS422/EEE436 Spring 2010

Course Description: The following are some of the topics that will be covered in this course with a project and hands-on oriented approach: wireless networking fundamentals, wireless medium access control, wireless LANs and 802.11, Bluetooth and WPANs, Zigbee/802.15.4, WiFi/Bluetooth/Zigbee coexistence, ad hoc networks, wireless and mobile routing protocols for ad hoc networks, wireless and mobile routing in Internet, Mobile IP, DHCP, NAT, wireless sensor and mesh networks, performance improvements for TCP performance in wireless networks and network security. Students will be given practical assignments that will be done using the equipments and software tools that will be provided by the instructors. In addition, students will be forming 3-4 member teams for completing a term-project, which will entail a wireless networking application or system design and development. Credits: 3. Prerequisites: This is a fourth year course. Third year students must get permission from instructors.
Ezhan Karasan, EE-508, Tel: 1308, ezhan AT
Ibrahim Korpeoglu, EA-408, Tel: 2599, korpe AT
Teaching Assistants:
Alper Rifat Ulucinar, EA-434, Tel: 1288, ulucinar AT
Bahadir Erkan, EE-513, Tel: 2589, berkan AT
Classroom: EE04
Announcements CoursePlan Syllabus Lecture Material
Project Groups Projects Grades  

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