CS 515
Mobile and Wireless Networking

Fall 2002
Bilkent University

Instructor: Ibrahim Korpeoglu
Email: korpe@cs.bilkent.edu.tr
Office: EA-408

Class Hours:
Wednesday  15:40-16:30; Friday 13:40-15:30
Office Hours:
You can come to my office at any time if you need to see me.

Content Syllabus Exams and Grading
Textbooks Lecture Slides Reading List
Projects Software Term Paper
Resources Similar Courses Worldwide Homeworks
Course Objective 
        This course aims providing in-dept coverage on mobile/wireless networking, the characteristics of wireless radio channels, the architectures and protocols of mobile/wireless networks, the mobile routing solutions, transport protocols for wireless channels, wide-area and local-area wireless network technologies, quality of service provisioning in mobile/wireless environments, service and device discovery in mobile networks, sensor networks,  and futuristic  visions.  Students will learn in detail the system architectures and protocol stacks of  wireless radio systems, especially BlueTooth. The problems that mobility and wireless connectivity  bring to the design of network systems and protocols will be discussed and proposed solutions will be introduced. Simulation and/or implementation projects will be assigned in order to have closer and hands-on experience on the covered topics.
        I recommend that students should have  taken a basic course on computer networking field before taking this course (Computer Networking course or Computer Network Programming course).  Having taken a course on operating systems  is a plus but not mandatory. Everyone should be prepared for substantial amount of  programming and/or writing a term paper.  Since this is a graduate course, I recommend undergraduate students to take this course only if their CPGA is higher than 3.00.
        Discussions during the classes will be highly encouraged and you are very welcome to discuss, present, or report your ideas at any time on any related topic in this exciting, popular, and steeply accelerating computer, communication and networking  field.
The jargon that you will be familiar with during this course:  802.11, WiFi, HiperLAN, BlueTooth, HomeRF, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, CDMA2000, W-CDMA, IS-95, UMTS, IMT-2000, CDPD, SIM, SMS, PCS, PCN, HLR, VLR, AMPS, IS-54, IS-136, DECT,  ARDIS, RMD, ParcTab, BlueSky, Richochet, MACAW, FDD, TDD, FDMA, TDMA, CSMA, BER, FEC, ARQ, HEC, DSP, PCM, FSK, GMSK, ISM, FHSS, DSSS, Mobile-IP, Cellular-IP, SLP, Jini,  WAP, WML, M-TCP, BSS, MSC, WLAN, PAN, RSSI, SNR, dB, QoS, etc.

Please send any suggestions or corrections on this page to Ibrahim Korpeoglu: korpe@cs.bilkent.edu.tr.