Bilkent University - Computer Engineering Department

CS 342 Operating Systems - Fall 2022

[Grading Policy] [Moodle] [STARS Syllabus] [References]

Course Description

Introduction to Computer and Operating Systems; Processes; Threads; Interprocess Communication; Process Scheduling; Process Synchronization; Deadlocks; Memory Management and Virtual Memory; File Systems: Interface and Implementation; Mass-Storage Structure and Management; Input/Output Systems; Examples from Operating Systems such as Linux and Windows.
Credit units: 4. ECTS Credit units: 6.5.
Prerequisites: CS 202 and CS 224 are mandatory. You are recommended to take this course in the second semester of your third year in the curriculum, after taking the courses like MATH 230 (Probability and Statistics) and CS 315 (Programming Languages). Part of homeworks and projects will require Probability and Statistics knowledge to do experiments and analyze the results.



  • Sections 01:
    • Dr. Ibrahim Korpeoglu
    • Email: korpe AT; Office: EA401; Phone: x2599
    • Lecture Hours: Tue 10:30-12:20 and Thu 15:30-17:20.
    • Spare hour can be seen in STARS.

Teaching Assistants


Topics Covered

Weekly Schedule

W Date Topics and Events
01Sep 15 Topic: Introduction.
02 Sep 19 Topic: Introduction. Sep 21: add/drop deadline. Sep 23 Fri (8:00): Exam reservations.
03Sep 26 Topic: Processes
04Oct 3 Topic: Threads
05Oct 10 Topic: CPU Scheduling
06Oct 17 Topic: Synchronization.
07Oct 24 Topic: Synchronization. Oct 27-28 Thu-Fri: No classes.
08Oct 31 Topic: Deadlocks. Nov 4: Last day for withdraw.
09Nov 7 Topic: Memory Management. Midterm exam.
10Nov 14 Topic: Memory Management
11Nov 21 Topic: File Systems
12Nov 28 Topic: File Systems.
13Dec 5 Topic: Mass Storage.
14Dec 12 Topic: Input/Output.
15Dec 19 Topic: Protection and Security. Dec 23: last day of classes. FZ deadline.
Dec 26 2022, Jan 9 2023: Final exam period.
Jan 13, 2023: Submission of grades.

Lecture Notes

Posted in Moodle.


Posted in Moodle.


Posted in Moodle.

Copyright 2022, Bilkent University, Department of Computer Engineering