Course Description

Introduction to Computer and Operating Systems; Processes; Threads; Interprocess Communication; Process Scheduling; Process Synchronization; Deadlocks; Memory Management and Virtual Memory; File Systems: Interface and Implementation; Mass-Storage Structure and Management; Input/Output Systems; Examples from Operating Systems such as Linux and Windows.
Credit units: 4. ECTS Credit units: 6.5.
Prerequisites: CS 202 and CS 224 are mandatory. You are recommended to take this course in the second semester of your third year in the curriculum, after taking the courses like MATH 230 (Probability and Statistics) and CS 315 (Programming Languages). Part of homeworks and projects will require Probability and Statistics knowledge to do experiments and analyze the results.



Grading Policy (tentative)

Other Information


The course addresses the following ABET outcomes:

Academic Honesty

Plagiarism is defined as the action of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it, or created it. Bilkent University requires that you be aware of the concept and dangers of plagiarism. In order to conform to international academic standards, you must respect the individual thoughts, ideas, and expressions of other authors in sources. In the exams, home-works, and projects in this course, occurrences of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with, leading to punishment through disciplinary procedures which call for a term or two terms of dispelling from the university.