Lecture Notes

  (Software Development Practices) (Spring 2001)


Lecture Notes

Schedule & Lecture Notes

Week Date & Dues Subjects to be covered Lecture Notes

Week 1

Feb 21


Computer languages; C program development environment; Memory concept; Basic input/output; Arithmetic in C; Relational operators

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Week 2

Feb 23

Homework 0 due

Assignment Operators; Increment/Decrement Operators; Structured programming; Control structures: selection and  repetition; Logical operators

Chapter 3
Chapter 4



Week 3

Mar 16

Homework 1 due

Arrays; Sorting/searching arrays; Characters and strings; Character handling library; String conversion functions; Standard input/output library functions; Multiple subscripted arrays

Chapter 6
Chapter 8  

function calls

Week 4

Mar 23

Functions; Library functions; Storage classes; Scope rules

Chapter 5 


Week 5

Mar 30
Homework 2 due

Midterm - 1  
(14:00 - 16:00)

Week 6

Apr 4

Pointers; Dynamic memory allocation; Calling functions by reference; Pointer expressions and pointer arithmetic; Relationships between Pointers and arrays

Chapter 7



Week 7

Apr 11

Structures; Enumerations; File processing; Creating a sequential access file; Reading data from a sequential access file

Chapter 10

Chapter 11  


Week 8

Apr 18
Homework 3 due

Object-oriented programming concepts; C++ as an improper superset of C; Stream input/output; Creating new data types in C++; Reference parameters; Default arguments; Function overloading

OO Concepts

Chapter 15




Week 9

Apr 25

Structures vs. classes

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Week 10

May 2
Homework 4 due

Midterm - 2  
(14:00 - 16:00)

Week 11

May 9

Rapid Application Development with Borland C++ Builder 

Part 1

Part 2

Week 12

May 16
Homework 5 due

Operator overloading

Chapter 18 

June 8 Final
(14:00 - 16:00)

List of letter grades was turned in to department on June 13th.

Your unclaimed  diskettes will be donated to department.


Last updated: 02/08/2001 01:23