(Software Development Practices) (Spring 2001)


Grading Policy for the Homeworks

Homework 1 


Spell errors/typos in  header page : -1

Homework number in header page missing –1 

Naming Conventions

N1 : Obey recommended naming conventions: name a variable keeping the ‘total charge’ as totalCharge 

N2: In naming identifirers, either use abbreviations in all or use full forms in all: Not totalCharge and freqCounter ŕ but totalCharge and frequencyCounter  OR totCharge and freqCounter

N3: Do not use identifier names that may get confused with digits: I vs 1, O vs 0 etc.


I1:  Omit the empty line

I2: Align the curly brackets of loop blocks appropriately

I3: Program is not indented at all  -10

I4: Put empty lines to separate different logical sections of the code

I5: Program’s indentation is not properly done  -5

I6: Minor glitches about the indentation -2 


C1: Put comments explaining the purpose of the program –5

   Compilation and Execution

T1: Compile error, program cannot compile or run!   -20

T2: Program is not complete, cannot compile at all!   -40


O1: Program’s output is not what it is supposed to be –10

O2: Program’s output is not given –10


L1: Use i,  j, k for loop index variables

 Header Files

H1: Include stdio.h  -5

 General programming style

P1: Never use goto statements in structured languages –10

P2: Never declare different typed variables in the same line –5




List of letter grades was turned in to department on June 13th.

Your unclaimed  diskettes will be donated to department.


Last updated: 25/07/2001 21:27