(Take-Home) Final Exam
Please choose four of the following questions to answer:
- What EJB brings to distributed applications in terms of programming size
and complexity level?
- What can you suggest for controlling malicious applet behaviors in a
- Explain one of the filtering mechanisms for malicious applets.
- What is the functionality of MetaData in distributed applications? Explain
how MetaData is used in exploring run-time properties of objects or
- What advantages of Java is exploited by jmpi in terms of implementation.
- What is meant by Trusted Third Party? Explain the benefits of having such
a Trusted Third Party.
- What kind of precautions must be taken to support web security?
- What is the main problem with component specification in component
assembly operation in distributed applications? Explain functionality of
(Take-Home) Midterm
Please choose four of the following questions to answer:
- Explain the functionality of "communication contexts" in
parallel programming. What may happen in case of non-existence of contexts?
- Explain main categories of communication features in parallel programming
with most important application designs. Discuss advantages and
- Explain the Secure Identity-Based Loading assumptions and limitations
- Explain how java applets could bypass Security Manager mechanism in Java.
Suggest also ways for controlling illegal behaviors of applets.
- Explain the El-Gamal Digital Signature Scheme.
- Explain the two important aspects of any E-Voting scheme must
- Explain the virtues of the Solar Trust Model. What is provided by this
- What are the crucial differences between Jini architecture and CORBA from
the mobility point of view?