| |
 | Distributed
Computing Overview, Ted Burghart, Quoinc, 1998. (slides) |
 | Wrapping
Legacy Applications: A Distributed Computing Solution, Expersoft, 1997.
(slides) |
 | Java
in Distributed Computing, P. Niska and A. Rautiainen, Nokia Research. |
 | JavaSpaces: Innovative Java Technology that
Simplifies Distributed Application Development. http://java.sun.com/products/javaspaces/ |
 | The Jini Architecture for Network-Centric
Computing, Jim Waldo, Communications of the ACM, July 1999/Vol.42, No.7,
pp.76-82. |
 | Enterprise JavaBeans, Jason Westra,Java
Developers Journal, June 1999, Vol.4, Issue 6, pp.74-78. http://JavaDevelopersJournal.com |
 | Taking Advantage of Real-Time Collaboration
Tools, David Coleman & Lewis Ward, Taking Advantage of Real-Time
Collaboration Tools, IT Professional, July-August 1999, pp.25-30. http://computer.org/itpro |
 | The Directory-Enabled Enterprise, Anne C.
Lear, The Directory-Enabled Enterprise, IT Professional, July-August 1999,
pp.14-17. http://computer.org/itpro |
 | XML Seen as Integral to Application
Integration, Anne C. Lear, IT Professional, September-October 1999,
pp.12-16. http://computer.org/itpro |
 | Managing Complexity: Middleware Explained,
Andrew T. Campbell, Geoff Coulson, and Michael E. Kounavis, IT Professional,
September-October 1999, pp.22-28. http://computer.org/itpro |