CS 102 Spring 2016 - Sections 3 & 7

Enhanced Object-Oriented Programming with Java. Inheritance and polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, graphical-user-interfaces, exceptions. Abstract data structures: lists, stacks, queues and trees. Recursion. Files. Searching and sorting. Hashing. Time and space considerations. Students undertake a large design project involving teamwork, independent learning, writing and presenting of requirements, user-interface design, and project documentation.



CS 102 Moodle Page


Supplemental Materials for Sections 3&7


Useful Information by David



Teaching Assistants


Section 3:

Gokce Ayduğan: gokce.aydugan@gmail.com

Nazanin Jafary: nazaninjafary@gmail.com

Troya Cagil Koylu: troya@cs.bilkent.edu.tr

Huseyin Celal Oner: hcelaloner@gmail.com

Arif Yılmaz: arif.yilmaz@bilkent.edu.tr



Section 7:

Didem Demirag: didem.demirag@bilkent.edu.tr

Fahrettin Sukru Torun: sukruf@cs.bilkent.edu.tr

Arda Unal: arda.unal@bilkent.edu.tr

Anisa Halimi: anisa.halimi@bilkent.edu.tr

Melih Baydar: mlhbydr@gmail.com