(Ranking Instances by Maximizing the Area under ROC Curve).
Executable Jar file.
- MAD (Maximum Area under ROC Curve Based Discretization)
Readme file,
Source code.
- Turkon
Windows MobileTM 2003 Version
- Oku (Konuşma engelliler için konuşan bir program)
Windows Version
- Erythemato-Squamous (Differential Diagnosis of
Erythemato-Squamous Diseases) Requires Windows 95/98. Please send an email message for
a copy.
- H. A. Güvenir and N. Emeksiz,
An Expert System for the Differential Diagnosis of
Erythemato-Squamous Diseases,
Systems With Applications, Vol. 18, No. 1, (2000), pp. 43-49.
- H. A. Güvenir, G. Demiröz and N. Ilter,
Learning Differential Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases using Voting Feature Intervals,
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Vol. 13, No. 3, (1998), pp. 147-165.
- N. Emeksiz, Differential Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous
Diseases: Machine Learning Application, Senior Project, Bilkent
University, Dept. of Computer Engineering and Information Science,
1998. (postscript copy,
PDF copy)
- K-NNFP (K-Nearest Neighbor on Feature Projections)
Readme file and the
source code.
- H. A. Güvenir and A. Akkus,
Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections
in: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on
Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XII)
S. Kuru, M.U. Caglayan and H.L. Akin (Eds.),
Antalya, Turkey, (Oct. 27-29, 1997), 44-51.
(postscript copy)
- A. Akkus, and H. A. Güvenir,
K Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections,
in Proceedings of ICML'96, Lorenza Saitta (Ed.), Morgan
Kaufmann, Bari, Italy, (3-6, July, 1996), 12-19.
- CFP (Classification by Feature Partitioning)
Readme file and the
source code.
- H. A. Güvenir and I. Sirin,
Classification by Feature Partitioning
Machine Learning, Vol. 23,
(1996), pp. 47-67. (Abstract)
- I. Sirin and H. A. Güvenir,
Empirical Evaluation of the CFP Algorithm,
in Proceedings of the Sixth Australian Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, Australia,
C. Rowles, H. Liu, N. Foo (Eds.), World Scientific,
(November, 1993), pp. 311-315.
(postscript copy)
- H. A. Güvenir and I. Sirin,
Complexity of the CFP, A Method for Classification Based on
Feature Partitioning,
in Advances in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI Vol. 728,
(Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial
Intelligence, AI*IA'93, Torino, Italy, October, 1993) P. Torasso (Ed.),
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1993), pp. 202-207.
(postscript copy)
- H. A. Güvenir and I. Sirin,
A Genetic Algorithm for Classification by Feature Partitioning,
in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms, S. Forrest, (Ed.), Urbana-Champaign, IL: Morgan Kaufmann,
(July, 1993), 543-548.
(postscript copy)
- DRIP (Drill and Practice in Turkish)
MS-DOS Version
MacIntosh Version,
(TuSC, Turkish Sentence Constructor)
- H. A. Guvenir,
Drill and Practice for Turkish Grammar
in: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop ``The
Bridge to International Communication: Intelligent Tutoring Systems
for Foreign Language Learning'', M. L. Swartz and M. Yazdani (Eds.),
NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 80,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1992), 275-291. (Contact the author for a hard copy).
- RWM (Refinemet With Macros)
Readme file and the
source code.
- H. A. Güvenir and G. W. Ernst,
Learning Problem Solving Strategies Using Refinement and Macro
Artificial Intelligence, Vol 44, No. 1-2, (1990), pp. 209-243.