S. Okutucu, D. Katircioglu-Özturk, E. Oto, H. A. Güvenir, E. Karaagaoglu, A. Oto, T. Meinertz, and A. Goette,
Data mining experiments on the Angiotensin II-Antagonist in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (ANTIPAF-AFNET 2) trial: ‘exposing the invisible’
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/europace/euw084,
Vol. 19, Issue 5, (2017), pp. 741-746.
Bedirhan Sakinoglu and Altay Güvenir, Predicting the Risk of Death of Cryptocurrencies in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems, (IEEE COINS 2023), Berlin, Germany, (July 23-25, 2023). DOI: 10.1109/COINS57856.2023.10189205 (online)
L. Fenercioğlu, H. A. Güvenir, I. Türköz, Movie Trailer Scene Classification based on Audio VGGish Features in: Proceedings of The 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Control, and Robotics, (MLCR 2022), Suzhou, China, (October 29-31, 2022) pp. 49-54. DOI: 10.1109/MLCR57210.2022.00018 (online)
I. Türköz and H. A. Güvenir, Detection of Animated Scenes Among Movie Trailers in: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, (MLDM 2022) New York, USA, (July 16-21, 2022) (Online)
M. E. Turanboy, S. Ibrahimov, T. Duzceer, A. Orujaliyev, H. O. Kocahan, M. Sakalsız, H. A. Guvenir, An Application Using Blockchain for Banking Systems in: Proceedings of the 20th RSEP International Economics, Finance & Business Conference, Vienna, Austria, (February 17-18, 2021) (Online)
E. Doğan, E. Tüzün, K.A. Tecimer , H. A. Güvenir, Investigating the Validity of Ground Truth in Code Reviewer Recommendation Studies in: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, (September 19-20, 2019). DOI: 10.1109/ESEM.2019.8870190 (Online)
N. Salek Faramarzi, E. Ayday, A. Güvenir, A Privacy-Preserving Solution for the Bipartite Ranking Problem in: Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Anaheim, California, USA, (Dec. 18-20, 2016), art. no. 7838171, pp. 375-380. (pdf copy)
B. Demir, H. Guvenir, I. Kahyaoglu, A. Turkkani, I. Kaplanaoglu, L. Mollamahmutoglu, The Comparison of Factors Affecting the Chance of Clinical Pregnancy vs. Achieving Top Quality Embryo in ICSI Cycles: Using A New Ranking Algorithm (RIMARC) in: Proceedings of 71st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Reproductive-Medicine, Baltimore, USA, (Oct. 17-21, 2015), Fertility and Sterility, Vol 103, Issue 3, E225-E225 Supplement: S Meeting Abstract: P-350. (Online)
B. Evranos, K. Aytemir, B. Yavuz, E. Oto, N. Ata, D. K. Ozturk, E. Karaagaoglu, A. Güvenir, S. Ozcan, E. Ertugay, R. Koselerli, A. Burkan, M. Kuruca, Y. G. Ilhan, J. Camm, A. Oto. Hospitalization for Atrial Fibrillation Increases in the Elderly: Recent Analysis From TuRkish Atrial Fibrillation Data Base, in: Proceedings of Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium of the American-Heart-Association, Dallas, USA, (Nov. 16-17, 2013), Circulation, Vol 128, Issue 22, S Meeting Abstract: 18783. (Online)
N. Ata, B. Yavuz, E. Oto, D. K. Ozturk, K. Aytemir, E. Karaismailoglu, A. Güvenir, S. Ozcan, E. Ertugay, R. Koselerli, A. Burkan, M. Kuruca, Y.G. Ilhan, J. Camm, A. Oto. Characteristics of Atrial Fibrillation in Hemodialysis Patients, in: Proceedings of Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium of the American-Heart-Association, Dallas, USA, (Nov. 16-17, 2013), Circulation, Vol 128, Issue 22, S Meeting Abstract: 19130. (Online)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, A Novel Hybrid Approach for Interestingness Analysis of Classification Rules, in: Proceedings of JSAI 2004 Conference Kanazawa, Japan (May/June, 2004), LNAI 3609, Springer-Verlag, Akito Sakurai, Koti, Hasida and Katsumu Nitta (Eds.), (2007), 485-496. (pdf copy)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, Modeling Interestingness of Streaming Classification Rules as a Classification Problem, in: Proceedings of 14th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neaural Networks (TAINN'05), Izmir, Turkey (June 16-17, 2005), 46-54, LNAI 3949 Springer-Verlag, F.A. Savaci (Ed.), (2006), 168-176. (pdf copy)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, Learning Interestingness of Streaming Classification Rules, in: Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2004), Antalya, Turkey (Oct. 27-29, 2004), LNCS 3280, Springer-Verlag, Cevdet Aykanat, Tugrul Dayar and Ibrahim Korpeoglu (Eds.), 62-71. (pdf copy)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, Incremental Classification Learning by Using Feature Projections, in Proceedings of the 13th Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Neaural Networks (TAINN'04), Izmir, Turkey (June 10-11, 2004), 129-138. (pdf copy)
H. A. Güvenir, Benefit Maximization in Classification on Feature Projections, in: Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA'03), Malaga, Spain (Sept. 8-10, 2003), 424-429. (pdf copy)
Nazli Ikizler and H. A. Güvenir, Maximizing Benefit of Classifications Using Feature Intervals, in: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES'2003), Oxford, United Kingdom (Sept. 3-5, 2003), LNAI 2773, Springer-Verlag, Vasile Palade, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi Jain (Eds.), Part I, 339-345. (pdf copy)
Kemal Altintas and H. A. Güvenir, Learning Translation Templates for Closely Related Languages, in: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES'2003), Oxford, United Kingdom (Sept. 3-5, 2003), LNAI 2773, Springer-Verlag, Vasile Palade, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi Jain (Eds.), Part I, 756-762. (pdf copy)
Nazli Ikizler and H. A. Güvenir, Feature Dependency in Benefit Maximization: A Case Study in the Evaluation of Bank Loan Applications, in: Proceedings of the Twelfth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2003), Canakkale, Turkey (July 2-4, 2003), 225-233. (pdf copy)
Tolga Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, Feature Projection Based Rule Classification, in: Proceedings of the Twelfth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2003), Canakkale, Turkey (July 2-4, 2003), 652-661. (pdf copy)
K. M. Karakaya and H. A. Güvenir, ARG: A Tool for Automatic Report Generation, in: Proceedings of the Eleventh Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2002), S. Arik and O. N. Ucan (Eds.), Istanbul, Turkey (June 20-21, 2002), 151-160. (pdf copy)
H. A. Güvenir and B. Acar, Feature Selection using a Genetic Algorithm for the Detection of Abnormal ECG Recordings, in: Proceedings of the World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (ISAS/SCI 2001), Orlando, Florida (July 22-25, 2001), 437-442. (pdf copy)
H. A. Güvenir, Detection of Abnormal ECG Recordings using Feature Intervals, in: Proceedings of the Tenth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2001), A. Acan, I. Aybay, and M. Salamah (Eds.), Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C. (June 2001), 265-274. (pdf copy)
N. Ikizler and H. A. Güvenir, Mining Intersting Rules in Bank Loans Data, in: Proceedings of the Tenth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2001), A. Acan, I. Aybay, and M. Salamah (Eds.), Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C. (June 2001), 238-246. (pdf copy)
S. A. Özel and H. A. Güvenir, An Algorithm for Mining Association Rules Using Perfect Hashing and Database Pruning, in: Proceedings of the Tenth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2001), A. Acan, I. Aybay, and M. Salamah (Eds.), Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C. (June 2001), 257-264. (pdf copy)
F. Kutlu and H. A. Güvenir, Categorization in a Hierarchically Structured Text Database, in: Proceedings of the Tenth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2001), A. Acan, I. Aybay, and M. Salamah (Eds.), Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C. (June 2001), 218-227. (pdf copy)
T. Yilmaz and H. A. Güvenir, Analysis and Presentation of Interesting Rules, in: Proceedings of the Tenth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN'2001), A. Acan, I. Aybay, and M. Salamah (Eds.), Gazimagusa, T.R.N.C. (June 2001), 247-256. (pdf copy)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, An Eager Regression Method Based on Best Feature Projections, in Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE 2001), LNAI 2070, Springer-Verlag, Jozsef Vancza and Moonis Ali (Eds.), Budapest, Hungary, (June 4-7, 2001), 217-226. (pdf copy)
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, An Eager Regression Method Based on Selecting Appropriate Features in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-2001), AAAI Press, Ingrid Russell and John Kolen (Eds.), Key West, Florida, USA, (May 21-23, 2001), 361-366.
T. Aydin and H. A. Güvenir, Regression by Selecting Appropriate Features, in Proceedings of TAINN'2000, Izmir, (June 21-23, 2000), 73-82. (pdf copy)
I. Uysal and H. A. Güvenir, Regression by Feature Projections, in Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'99), Springer-Verlag, LNAI 1704, Jan. M. Zytkow and Jan Rauch (Eds.), Prague, Czech Republic, (September 15-18, 1999), 568-573. (pdf copy) (link to publisher)
H. A. Güvenir, S. Altingovde, I. Uysal and E. Erel, Bankruptcy Prediction Using Feature Projection Based Classification, in Proceedings of SCI/ISAS'99, Orlando, Florida, (July 31 - August 4, 1999), 108-113. (pdf copy)
N. Emeksiz and H. A. Güvenir, Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Differential Diagnosis of Erythemato-Squamous Diseases, in Proceedings of SCI/ISAS'99, Orlando, Florida, (July 31 - August 4, 1999), Vol. IX, 59-66. (pdf copy)
I. Uysal and H. A. Güvenir, An Application of Inductive Learning for Mining Basket Data, in Proceedings of TAINN'99, Istanbul, (June 23-25, 1999), 30-39. (pdf copy)
T. Yavuz and H. A. Güvenir, Application of k-Nearest Neighbor on Feature Projections Classifier to Text Categorization, in Advances in Computer and Information Sciences'98 (Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS'98) U. Güdükbay, T. Dayar, A. Gürsoy, E. Gelenbe (Eds.), Antalya, Turkey, (Oct. 26-28, 1998), 135-142. (pdf copy)
H. A. Güvenir, A Classification Learning Algorithm Robust to Irrelevant Features, in Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems Applications (Proceedings of AIMSA'98), Fausto Giunchiglia (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, LNAI 1480, Sozopol, Bulgaria, (Sept. 21-23, 1998), 281-290. (pdf copy, Link to publisher)
H. A. Güvenir, B. Acar, G. Demiröz, A. Cekin, A Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Arrhythmia Analysis, in Computers in Cardiology 1997, Vol. 24, Sweden, (Sept. 7-10, 1997), 433-436. (pdf copy) DOI: 10.1109/CIC.1997.647926
H. A. Güvenir and A. Akkus, Weighted K Nearest Neighbor Classification on Feature Projections, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XII) S. Kuru, M.U. Caglayan and H.L. Akin (Eds.), Antalya, Turkey, (Oct. 27-29, 1997), 44-51. (pdf copy)
A. Fatholahzadeh, and H. A. Güvenir, Verb Instantiation by Concept Coherence and Refinement, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference: Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing (RANLP-97), Ruslan Milkov, Nicolas Nicolov and Nilokai Nikolov (Eds.), Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria, (Sept. 11-13, 1997), 252-257. (pdf copy)
G. Demiröz, H. A. Güvenir, and N. Ilter, Differential Diagnosis of Eryhemato-Squamous Diseases using Voting Feature Intervals, in New Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (Proceedings of TAINN'97), Turhan Ciftcibasi, Mustafa Karaman and Volkan Atalay (Eds.), Kizilcahamam, Ankara, (May 22-23, 1997), 190-194. (pdf copy)
G. Demiröz, and H. A. Güvenir, Classification by Voting Feature Intervals, in Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-97), Maarten van Someren and Gerhard Widmer (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, LNAI 1224, Prague, Czech Republic, (April 23-25, 1997), 85-92. (postscript copy, pdf copy)
H. A. Güvenir, and I. Cicekli, Learning Translation Templates from Examples, in Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems (WITS'96), Arun Sen & George Ernst (Eds.) Cleveland OH, U.S.A. (December 14-15, 1996), 112-121. (pdf copy)
G. Demiröz, and H. A. Güvenir, Genetic Algorithms to Learn Feature Weights for the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, in Proceedings of the 6th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BENELEARN-96), H. J. van den Herik and T. Weijters (Eds.), Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands, (September 20, 1996), 117-126. (pdf copy)
H. Altay Güvenir, and Ilyas Cicekli, Learning Translation Templates from Biligual Texts, in Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems Applications (Proceedings of AIMSA'96, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 18-20, 1996) A. M. Ramsay (Ed.), IOS Press, 3-11. (pdf copy)
Ilyas Cicekli, and H. Altay Güvenir, Learning Translation Rules from A Bilingual Corpus, in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on New Methods in Language Processing (NeMLaP-2), Kemal Oflazer and Harold Somers (Eds.), Ankara, Turkey, (16-18, Sept, 1996), 90-97. (pdf copy)