;;;; This is a simple implementation of the COBWEB Incremental Conceptual Clustering algorithm ;;;; (cf. "Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering" D.H Fisher, ML 2 139-172) ;;;; Copyright (c) 1991 by Raymond Joseph Mooney. This program may be freely copied, used, or ;;;; modified provided that this copyright notice is included in each copy of this code ;;;; and parts thereof. ;;;; See COBWEB-ANIMAL-DATA (from ML article) and COBWEB-ANIMAL2-DATA for simple sample data files. ;;;; Try (train-cobweb *raw-examples*) after loading either file. ;;;; Also try COBWEB-SOYBEAN-DATA and COBWEB-SOYBEAN2-DATA (also discussed in ML article) ;;;; Examples are assumed to be ordered lists of feature values of the form: ;;;; (example-name (feature-1-value feature-2-value ... feature-n-value)) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Data structures and global variables ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defparameter *missing-value* '? "Symbol representing unknown feature value") (defparameter *print-category* 'instance-names "Controls printing of categories (instance-names, name, all)") (defparameter *trace-cobweb* t "Produces trace of COBWEB's decisions") (defparameter *trace-utility* t "Produces trace of category utility values for each option considered") (defstruct (category (:print-function print-category)(:copier nil)) (name (gensym "C-")) ; Unique category name (num-instances 0) ; number of instances in category (instances nil) ; list of instances in category (counts (init-counts)) ; feature counts of the form ; ((feature1-value1-count feature1-value2-count ...)(feature2-value1-count ...) ...) ; where features and their values are in the order given in *domains* (subs nil)) ; list of sub-categories ;;; A potential is a data structure used to temporarily store potential changes ;;; to the subs of a category that incorporate a new example. Several ;;; potentials are constructed and evaluated and one is chosen as the actual update (defstruct potential subs ; list of adjusted sub-categories for this potential change host ; category where new example is assigned (counts adjusted) old-host ; host category before new example is added (utility 0)) ; category utility of this potential change ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Top-level functions ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun train-cobweb (examples &optional root-category) "Incrementally add each of the examples to the category structure with the given root" (unless root-category ; Initialize root to single instance if not given (setf root-category (make-category)) (add-example root-category (pop examples)) (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~%Intializing root category with first instance. ~%~A" root-category)) ;; Incrementally process each example and print entire hierarchy after each for trace (dolist (example examples) (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~%~%Incorporating instance: ~A" (first example)) (cobweb example root-category) (when *trace-cobweb* (terpri)(print-hierarchy root-category))) (when *trace-cobweb* (terpri)(terpri)) root-category) (defun cobweb (example category &optional (level 0)) "Incorporate example into existing category structure" (if (= level 0) (add-example category example)) ; Except at root, example is already added by parent (if (null (category-subs category)) ;; If leaf category, then just add example as new leaf (progn (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~vTLevel ~D: Growing leaf category" (1+ (* 2 level)) level) (grow-leaf category)) ;; Otherwise check following potential changes and pick the one resulting in best category utility ;; 1) Adding to each existing sub-category ;; 2) Putting in separate category ;; 3) Merging two best existing hosts and adding to it ;; 4) Splitting best host and adding to best child of best host (let ((existing-category-potentials ; sorted in decreasing order of utility (existing-category-potentials category example)) (new-category-potential (new-category-potential category example))) (when *trace-utility* (dolist (potential existing-category-potentials) (format t "~%~vTCategory utility ~,3F when put with ~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) (potential-utility potential) (potential-old-host potential))) (format t "~%~vTCategory utility ~,3F when by itself" (1+ (* 2 level)) (potential-utility new-category-potential))) (cond ;; If new-category better than best existing one then use it ((> (potential-utility new-category-potential) (potential-utility (first existing-category-potentials))) (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~vTLevel ~D: putting instance by itself" (1+ (* 2 level)) level) (use-potential category new-category-potential) (potential-host new-category-potential)) ;; Next checks option of merging two best hosts and adding example to the new merged category ((let* ((sub1 (potential-old-host (first existing-category-potentials))) (sub2 (potential-old-host (second existing-category-potentials))) (merge-potential (merge-potential sub1 sub2 category example))) (trace-print *trace-utility* "~%~vTCategory utility ~,3F when merge ~A and ~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) (potential-utility merge-potential) sub1 sub2) (when (> (potential-utility merge-potential) (potential-utility (first existing-category-potentials))) (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~vTLevel ~D: Merging 2 best hosts ~A and ~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) level sub1 sub2) (use-potential category merge-potential) ;; After merging incorporate example recursively to the merged host (cobweb example (potential-host merge-potential) (1+ level))))) ;; Next check option of spliting best host and adding example to it's best child ((let* ((split-category (potential-old-host (first existing-category-potentials))) (split-potential (if (category-subs split-category) (split-potential split-category category example)))) (when split-potential (trace-print *trace-utility* "~%~vTCategory utility ~,3F when split ~A and put in ~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) (potential-utility split-potential) split-category (potential-old-host split-potential)) (when (> (potential-utility split-potential) (potential-utility (first existing-category-potentials))) (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~vTLevel ~D: Splitting best host" (1+ (* 2 level)) level split-category) (use-potential category split-potential) ;; After splitting incorporate example recursively into its host (cobweb example (potential-host split-potential) (1+ level)))))) ;; Otherwise incorporate example into the best existing subcategory (t (trace-print *trace-cobweb* "~%~vTLevel ~D: putting instance with ~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) level (potential-old-host (first existing-category-potentials))) (use-potential category (first existing-category-potentials)) (cobweb example (potential-host (first existing-category-potentials)) (1+ level))))))) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Functions for generating different potential changes ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun existing-category-potentials (category example) "Returns sorted list (highest utility first) of potentials for adding example to each existing subcategory" (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (sub-category) (let ((host (copy-category sub-category))) ; make copy so don't effect category structure yet (add-example host example) ; try adding to this sub-category (let ((subs (substitute host sub-category (category-subs category)))) (make-potential :subs subs :host host :old-host sub-category :utility (category-utility category subs))))) (category-subs category)) #'> :key #'potential-utility)) (defun new-category-potential (category example) "Returns potential for adding example to its own category at the current level" (let ((new-category (make-category))) (add-example new-category example) (let ((subs (cons new-category (category-subs category)))) ; add as a new sub (make-potential :subs subs :host new-category :utility (category-utility category subs))))) (defun merge-potential (sub-category1 sub-category2 category example) "Returns potential for merging two existing sub-categories" ;; Incomplete: to be implemented (make-potential)) (defun split-potential (split-category category example) "Returns potential for splitting existing category and adding example to its best sub" ;; Incomplete: to be implemented (make-potential)) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Functions for calculating Category Utility ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun category-utility (category &optional subs) "Return category utility of breaking category into given sub-categories (or its existing subs)" ;; See equation in COBWEB article (unless subs (setf subs (category-subs category))) (let ((exp-incr 0) ; Stores sum of total increase in expected number of correct features inferred (cat-PV2 (prob-values-squared category))) ; Expected number of correct inferences without sub-category (dolist (sub-category subs) (incf exp-incr (* (/ (category-num-instances sub-category) ; prior probability of sub-category (category-num-instances category)) (- (prob-values-squared sub-category) ; increase in expected number of correct cat-PV2)))) ; features guessed given sub-category (/ exp-incr (length subs)))) ; average over number of sub-categories (defun prob-values-squared (category) "Computes sum of squares of probability of each feature value for category, i.e. expected number of correct feature values inferred given category" (let ((result 0) (n (category-num-instances category))) (dolist (value-counts (category-counts category) result) (dolist (count value-counts) (incf result (expt (/ count n) 2)))))) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Low-level functions for actually changing category structure ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun use-potential (category potential) "Change category structure to actually use the sub-categories in the potential" (setf (category-subs category) (potential-subs potential))) (defun grow-leaf (leaf-cat) "Add new leaves for each of the two examples in the current leaf category" (let ((cat1 (make-category)) (cat2 (make-category))) (add-example cat1 (first (category-instances leaf-cat))) (add-example cat2 (second (category-instances leaf-cat))) (setf (category-subs leaf-cat) (list cat1 cat2)) cat1)) (defun add-example (category example) "Updates instances, instance count and feature counts for adding example to category" (push example (category-instances category)) (incf (category-num-instances category)) (mapc #'(lambda (value-counts value domain) (unless (eq value *missing-value*) ; missing values don't count (incf (nth (position value domain) value-counts)))) ; destructively modify counts (category-counts category) (second example) *domains*)) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Functions for initializing, copying, and printing data structures & misc utilities ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun init-counts () "Produces initial feature counts of all zeros for new category" (mapcar #'(lambda (domain) (mapcar #'(lambda (value) (declare (ignore value)) 0) domain)) *domains*)) (defun copy-category (category &optional recursive-p) "Make copy of a category and recursively all subs if flag set" (make-category :name (category-name category) :num-instances (category-num-instances category) :instances (category-instances category) :counts (copy-tree (category-counts category)); also copy because counts changed destructively :subs (if recursive-p (mapcar #'copy-category (category-subs category)) (category-subs category)))) (defun print-category (category stream depth) "Print category either just as name (name), with names of instances (instance-names), or also with counts (all) depending on value of *print-category*" (declare (ignore depth)) (princ (category-name category) stream) (when (member *print-category* '(instance-names all)) (princ "{" stream) (dolist (instance (category-instances category)) (unless (eq instance (first (category-instances category))) (princ " " stream)) (princ (first instance) stream)) (princ "}" stream)) (when (eq *print-category* 'all) (format t " :num-instances ~D :counts ~A" (category-num-instances category) (category-counts category)))) (defun print-hierarchy (category &optional (stream t) (level 0)) "Pretty-print the complete hierarchy under the category" (format stream "~%~vT~A" (1+ (* 2 level)) category) (dolist (sub-category (category-subs category)) (print-hierarchy sub-category stream (1+ level)))) ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Running tests and evaluating predictive accuracy ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun run-cobweb-test (examples num-train test-interval predict-features) "Run a learning curve for predicting values of given feature names using a maximum of num-train training instances and testing after every test-interval'th example (should divide evenly)" (setf examples (mix-up examples)) ; randomize because COBWEB is order dependent (let* ((train-examples (subseq examples 0 num-train)) (test-examples (subseq examples num-train)) root-category) (dotimes (batch (/ num-train test-interval)) (format t "~%~%Trained on ~D examples" (* (1+ batch) test-interval)) (setf root-category (train-cobweb (subseq train-examples (* batch test-interval) (* (1+ batch) test-interval)) root-category)) (test-cobweb test-examples root-category predict-features)))) (defun test-cobweb (examples category predict-features) "Test ability to infer missing values for predict-features. Prints out and returns overall accuracy of inference for these features." (let ((num-correct 0) percent-correct) (dolist (example examples) ;; Traverse category structure to find closest training example ;; and use it to infer values for the missing features. (let* ((leaf-category (cobweb-classify (make-missing example predict-features) category)) (closest-example (first (category-instances leaf-category)))) (mapc #'(lambda (value real-value feature) (if (and (member feature predict-features) (eq value real-value)) (incf num-correct))) (second closest-example) (second example) *feature-names*))) (setf percent-correct (* 100 (/ num-correct (* (length examples) (length predict-features))))) (format t "~%Correct Prediction: ~,2F% on ~D examples" percent-correct (length examples)) percent-correct)) (defun make-missing (example features) "Change example to have missing values for the given feature names" (list (first example) (mapcar #'(lambda (value feature) (if (member feature features) *missing-value* value)) (second example) *feature-names*))) (defun cobweb-classify (example category &optional (level 0)) "Classify example down category structure and return the final leaf category" (if (null (category-subs category)) ; if leaf, stop and return category ;; Otherwise use sorted list of best existing hosts for example to determine which ;; existing sub-category to follow. (cobweb-classify example (potential-old-host (first (existing-category-potentials category example))) (1+ level))))