FOIL 6.0 -------- FOIL6.0 is a fairly comprehensive (and overdue) rewrite of FOIL5.2. The code is now more compact, better documented, and faster for most tasks. The language has changed to ANSI C. In the process of rewriting, several small changes have been made to the algorithm. Some of these correct minor glitches (such as restoring the number of weak literals after search is restarted). Others change the behaviour of FOIL: for instance, the checks before literal evaluation have been strengthened and more pruning heuristics introduced. You are therefore advised not to discard FOIL5.2 until you are satisfied that FOIL6.0 behaves properly on your tasks. Here is a quick summary of notable intentional changes. Of course, others (aka bugs) might have crept in during the rewrite -- please report any that you find. * Pruning heuristics strengthened. Even though these are risk-free, the behavious of FOIL6.0 can differ from that of FOIL5.2, which sometimes evaluated literals that could not be used in the definition. Generally, FOIL6.0 prunes more than FOIL5.2 but this is not uniformly the case. * Encoding cost of clauses changed. FOIL5.2 did not `charge' for determinate literals, but included them in the reordering credit. FOIL6.0 still does not charge for determinate literals, but excludes them when calculating reordering credit. * Calculation of encoding cost of continuous literals altered. The calculation is approximate, using the number of tuples rather than the number of distinct values as in FOIL5.2. * Number of variables changeable with -V option and default value (52) lower than previous built-in value (104). * Allowable number of weak literals now changeable with -w option with default value (3) same as previous built-in value. * Sampling option renamed -s. * Sampling corrected to generate the right number of negative tuples. * New option -N to allow A<>B, A<>constant while still excluding negated literals on user-defined relations. * Continuous types declared as "X: continuous." rather than the cryptic "X:@ ." This change has also been made in c4tofoil. * Variables of the same continuous type can be compared with =, <>. * Output verbosity levels changed. The old default level 1 contained more information that the current default (also level 1); the new level 2 is similar to the old level 1 and so on. Some verbose output has been reformatted. * Number of weak literals in succession correctly recovered after a backup. * Options for uniform coding, booting with determinate literals from previous clause, and recursive checking of test cases suspended pending some rethinking. Look for their replacements (and others) in FOIL6.1. * Theory constants applicable only to their own type, rather than to any compatible type. * Only highest-gain thresholds of continuous attributes considered for saving as best clause encountered during search. FOIL5.2 monitored all literals in this respect, even though only the best threshold was considered for saving as a backup. * We have changed from clock() to times() for timing. If you are running a System5 Unix derivative, this may give incorrect times as we have assumed the BSD4.3 60 ticks per second. GENERAL ------- The file "MANUAL" contains an explanation of the form of the input and the options. The executable version of the program, foil6, may be made with the command "make foilgt" (or "make foil" for the slower version for debugging). A small example input file, "member.d", is provided to demonstrate the program, and may be used with the command "foil6 -v3 < member.d". The file member.explain discusses the input and output for this small task. Several other example files (*.d) are also provided for your use. The names of these should be sufficiently mnemonic to enable recognition from the literature. In addition to the example input files, the program c4tofoil.c for converting files from the format used by C4.5 to that used by FOIL is also included. An example file (the credit data) has been provided, with a names file augmented as required to demonstrate the use of this additional program. For further details on use of the program, see its header. FOIL has a mixed authorship. The original versions were produced by Ross Quinlan; Mike Cameron-Jones then generated versions 3 to 5.2. FOIL6.0 was produced by Ross, incorporating many of the algorithms and routines developed by Mike (and with Mike identifying numerous glitches in the recoding). The utility c4tofoil was produced entirely by Mike. We would appreciate it if you could mail Mike when you have ftp'ed a copy of FOIL6.0 so that we can keep track of its whereabouts. Comments and bug reports are most welcome. Ross Quinlan ( Mike Cameron-Jones (