/* Global variables */ extern float MINACCURACY, MINALTFRAC, DETERMINATE; extern int MAXPOSSLIT, MAXALTS, MAXVARDEPTH, Verbosity, /* level of output */ MaxConst, /* no. constants */ MaxType, /* no. types */ MaxVar, /* no. variables in training set */ MaxRel, /* highest relation no */ Pos, CyclePos, /* no. pos cases in training set */ Tot, InitialTot, CycleTot, /* no. cases in training set */ TotCovered, /* no. training tuples covered by rule */ PosCovered, /* ditto pos tuples */ NewSize, /* size of next training set */ NCl, /* current clause number */ NLit, /* current literal number */ NDeterminate, WeakLiterals; /* no. no-gain/non-discrim literals */ extern Relation Reln[MAXRELS+1], /* relations */ RelnOrder[MAXRELS+1], /* order to try relations */ Target; /* relation being induced */ extern Tuples TrainingSet, /* tuples in current training set */ InitialTrainingSet, /* copy at start of first clause */ CopyTrainingSet; /* copy at start of current clause */ extern Clause NewClause; /* clause being constructed */ extern float *LogFact, BaseInfo, InitialBaseInfo, MaxPossibleGain, UsedSoFar, /* bits in previous literals */ AvailableBits; /* bits available for this clause */ extern Boolean NEGLITERALS, PartialOrder[MAXARITY+1][MAXARITY+1], /* partial orders on variables */ AnyPartialOrder, **Compatible; extern char Name[200], SectionDelim, *Variable, DefVars[], **ConstName, *Bits; /* used to set bits on tuples */ extern Const *SortedConst, VarType[MAXARITY+1], VarDepth[MAXARITY+1], Value[MAXARITY+1]; extern TypeInfo Type[MAXTYPES]; extern Tuples Found; extern int NFound; extern Alternative *ToBeTried; extern int NToBeTried; extern PossibleLiteral *Possible; extern int NPossible;