GPX/Abstractica by Walter Alden Tackett and Aviram Carmi with X routines pirated from Xavier "X-man" Bouyssounouse WHAT THE HECK IS THIS THING? In a Nutshell: Abstractica is a program which performs a guided stochatic search of image space according to your aesthetic tastes, resulting in abstract pictures with a wealth of complexity and variety. From The Legal Point of View: DISCLAIMER: This code is provided free and is completely unsupported. Neither Walter Tackett, Aviram Carmi, Xavier Bouyssounouse, USC, Hughes Aircraft, CSUN, or the Santa Fe Institute make any warranty nor take any responsibility for expenses you incur by using or misusing it. Have a nice day. Administrata: This is executable code, and requires a Sun SparcStation with 8-bit color in order to run. Certain routines for user interface, image manipulation, and memory management are not ours to give away freely, hence source code cannot be distributed. As a virus control measure, the only legitimate sources for obtaining this code are via anonymous ftp to in the directory pub/Users/tackett, or from (directory TBD) in the Genetic Programming Archives at There are two files, abs.tar.Z and abs.static.tar.Z: the latter contains an executable compiled with the -Bstatic option and will run even if you have your sharable libraries installed funny. It is about 5x bigger than the executable in abs.tar.Z. Try getting and running abs.tar.Z first. You will need to use the binary option when you ftp the file. You must uncompress the file: uncompress abs.tar.Z and then untar it: tar -xvf abs.tar You will find the executable and several LISP files (*.lsp) which produce interesting and/or tutorial imagery, as well as a sample input parameter file MAIL To: or We cannot answer a lot of detailed questions personally, but we may set up an autoreply FAQ. PLEASE DO send us any really cool images you may generate (in LISP form only, please!). QUICK-START When you run the program, the first thing you see is the main panel. Click on the "Set Parameters" button. Enter 1 for "Number of Populations" and HIT RETURN (a notice will appear- choose "Set"). Wait about 10 seconds while the system initializes (a new field, "Set Parameters for Population," will appear when the system is done initializing). Now enter 1 for "Number of Generations" and HIT RETURN (the system only cares that the number is not <= 0). Now click the "Fitness" button: the Image panel will appear. Press "Start." It will take between 1 and 5 minutes to generate the images depending on your system and the enabled function set (a *lot* of computation is involved- Sims' work was done on a CM-2! Just go get a cup of coffee or, god forbid, do the work you're being paid to do). Click the mouse on the images you like to increase their fitness- this will increase the likelihood that images similar to them will occur in the next generation. To see the equation corresponding to a picture, first click on the "Save Genotype" button, and then click on the picture. The equation will be printed in LISP form on stdout. To see an image at higher resolution, click on the "Enlarge" button, and then click on the image. Again, this will take a bit of time. NOTE: Because of sampling phenomena, images can look strikingly different at higher resolution, usually for the better. When you are satified, click on the "Next Generation" button (and wait). THE DETAILS GPX is our X version of GPC, which stands for "Genetic Programming in C." Genetic Programming (GP) uses the Genetic Algorithm (Fitness Proportionate Selection, Sexual Recombination, and Random Mutation) to manipulate the parse trees of LISP programs. GPX/GPC is itself a C program which manipuates "raw" parse-tree structures in order to achieve rapid execution. For convenience, these trees may be written and read as LISP code. The basic idea behind GP is that we construct a population of programs at random, and then measure their "fitness" for some given task. Those individuals which are particularly fit will have a higher probability of being randomly selected as parents of offspring in the next generation. Offspring are formed by swapping subtrees (subexpressions) between a pair of parents. Rules of syntax are obeyed during all tree operations so that all trees are syntactically correct. Trees are constructed from a "function set" (internal nodes of the tree) and a "terminal set" (leaves). The function and terminal sets are specific to the problem being addressed. For more information about Genetic Programming see the book "Genetic Programming" by John Koza, MIT Press, 1993. There is also an electronic mailing list, Abstractica is an X application written on top of GPX. It is copied after the work of Karl Sims at Thinking Machines (see: K. Sims, "Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics," Computer Graphics (ACM), v25 #4, July 1991). Here, we evolve equations (genotypes) which are expressed as images (phenotypes), one equation per image. Fitness is based upon aesthetic taste: we increase the fitness of the images we like by clicking on them with the mouse. I could go on, but words cannot do justice to some of the pictures you can generate. The basics: each image is indexed from (-1.0,-1.0) (upper left) to (1.0,1.0) (lower right). The equations being generated are single-valued functions of the image coordinates: they consist of terminals X, Y, and RANDOM-CONST. When RANDOM-CONST is selected as a terminal, a random floating point number is generated and inserted into the tree at that point. The function set consists of various math operations (e.g. +,*,sine) and some special functions including noise, wavelets, and gradient operators. Here is a typical (although somewhat small for the norm) equation: (WAVEVEN (SIN (+ (CNOISE (COS X)) (SIN (* (CNOISE 0.452393) Y)))) 0.413472 Y X) (this one looks a lot like a watercolor painting of sunset over a hill). ADVANCED DOODLING Set Parameters Panel: SET PARAMETERS FOR POPULATION 1. When you place the cursor in this field and HIT RETRUN, the Population Parameters panel appears. IMPORTANT NOTE: always hit the "Done" button when you have changed values to ensure that the system is properly notified of the changes. save_parameters_to_file: save all the current settings in this menu to the named file. Enter the file name and HIT RETURN. load_parameters_from_file: load all the parameters from the named file. Enter the file name and HIT RETURN. The new values will magically appear. load_population_from_file: YOU CAN ONLY SET THIS BEFORE YOU HIT THE "Start" BUTTON. Load the n stored LISP programs from the named file into the first n members of the population. File will be loaded when you hit the Start button. NOTE: you can save genotypes to files for later loading- see "IMAGE PARAMETERS PANEL" below. seed: random seed for generating population, noise, etc. population_size: YOU CAN ONLY SET THIS BEFORE YOU HIT THE "Start" BUTTON. The number of members of the population (and hence the number of pictures). This defaults to 16, but you will get better diversity and less inbreeding if you set it higher. Other parameters: see Koza for rationale/details. You can change these on the fly to see their effects: *_depth: max depths of tree segments generated initially, max depth of subtrees generated by mutation, and max depth allowed after crossover. Grow Method: Selects whether trees are full or not, or if members of population are mixed. Selection Method: Determines how parents are chosen. Tournament K: Size of tournament if tournament selection is used. parsimony factor: Size penalty which decreases fitness of large trees. 0.01 is a very big value for this parameter. Should be non-negative. *_fraction: governs the probability of method used to generate one pair of offspring. One minus the sum of these three fractions is the probability that mutation occurs. NOTE: although we keep mutation real low (<.001) in normal GP, for this application and relatively small population size I have found the 0.1-0.3 is not an unreasonable range for mutation. IMAGE PARAMETERS PANEL Click on the "Image Params" button on the Image Panel to access these items. For the numeric and text items, be sure to click the "Done" button to ensure that the system is properly updated. size: The size of the images in pixels. You can change this on the fly, but strange things may happen. In general, you should do this before you hit the Start button. mag: magnification of images. images on the screen are blown up by this factor for display purposes. Again, you can change this on the fly if you really want to. zoom: zoom factor for enlarging images. You can change this any time with no problem. Color Table: YOU MUST CHOOSE THIS BEFORE HITTING THE "Start" BUTTON. All my sample files assume you are using COLOR2, which is the default. Save Genotypes to: When you hit the "Save Genotypes" button, this is where they go. If stdout (the default) is selected, they go only to stdout. Otherwise they are echoed to stdout and appended to the named file as well. Function Enabling/Disabling When trees are generated, either initially or via mutation, we can disable some functions from being inserted. Below we list the functions which are available as well as applicable caveats. NOTE: YOU CAN TURN THESE OFF AND ON AT ANY TIME, BUT UNLESS YOU HAVE A VERY HIGH MUTATION RATE THERE WILL NOT BE MUCH EFFECT IF YOU DO NOT SET THEM BEFORE YOU HIT THE "Start" BUTTON. Disabling functions has no effect on the operation of expressions which contain them: i.e., you can read in an expression from a file which uses CNOISE while CNOISE is disabled, and that expression will operate normally. (+ A B) Return the result of adding expression A to expression B. (- A B) Return the result of subtracting expression B from expression A. (* A B) Return the result of multiplying expression A by expression B. (% A B) "Protected Division." If B evaluates to 0.0, return 0.0, else return the result of dividing expression A by expression B. (SIN A) Sine of expression A. (COS A) Cosine of expression A. NOTE: +, -, *, %, SIN, & COS probably yield the most bang for the CPU cycle-buck. (WAVODD A B C D) Odd (sine) Wavelet centered at X=A, Y=B, with gaussian-envelope-sigma C and orientation D (in radians). Moderately expensive to compute, but makes some interesting images (the "sunset" shown above is given remarkable structural complexity from a relatively simple expression with wavelets). (WAVEVEN A B C D) Even (cosine) Wavelet centered at X=A, Y=B, with envelope-sigma C and orientation D (in radians). Same comments apply as above. (CNOISE A) Noise, spatially correlated ("colored"). The bandlimiting of the coloring filter is governed by A. When A is 0 (or any even integer) noise is zero-mean, spatially uncorrelated, and uniformly distributed on {-1.0,1.0}. As A increases, correlation increases (visually, it changes from speckled to cloudy), variance decreases and distribution becomes more Gaussian. Correlation is maximum at A==1.0 (or any odd integer), and decreases from there to the next even A value. Note that CNOISE is the only function which spatially varies given a constant argument. Because it is generated via a convolutional process, Noise is expensive to compute for large values of A. It is disabled by default, but it can certainly have an interesting effect. Try loading the expression (CNOISE (% (+ X 1.0) 2.0)) to see how noise can vary. (HGRAD A) A gradient, or pseudo-first-derivative, in the X direction. It is like convolving the image created by expression A with the mask: -1.0 0.0 1.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 This would be a really good place to do symbolic math, but since I'm not that smart, I implement this as a "Macro" which evaluates the expression A six times with six different X and Y values in order to generate the values weighted by the filter coefficients. Very computationally expensive: slows things down a lot. Haven't seen a really interesting image that depended on it (yet). (VGRAD A) A gradient, or pseudo-first-derivative, in the Y direction. It is like convolving the image created by expression A with the mask: -1.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Same comments apply as above. (LAPLACE A) Laplacian filtering (i.e., 2D 2nd derivative, nondirectional). It is like convolving the image created by expression A with the mask: 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 4.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 Same comments apply as above. (IFLTE A B C D) Conditional: IF (A < B) evaluate C and return the result, ELSE evaluate D and return the result. This is also a macro: only one of C or D is actually evaluated. IFLTE makes some really interesting images with little computational overhead. Enjoy. -wt