New in this version is a working chekcpointing mechanism, addition of the BSD qsort() code (to try and be vendor indepndent), and an improved timing code that does not wrap around after only 36min of cpu time, and of course some bug fixes. Also you can now specify a random seed value on the command line as the last optional argument. The command line syntax is now: gpc npops ngens (pop0setup|`none')... [seed] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: you must have a setup file name for each population, e.g., gpcSIN 2 51 none 1234; will run 2 pops, 51 gens, with pop0 using the default values, and pop 1 using values from Notes about checkpointing: to enable checkpointing, for example, every 10 generations, add the following line to the setup file for the population: checkpoint_frequency = 10 Remember that the value read from the last setup file wins. The generated ckptfile is named gpc_`hostid'_`pid'.ckpt.Z, i.e. it is compressed. (Note: ignore ckpt files that are not compressed, the process could have crashed while writing the uncompressed file and it is probably corrupted. Of course, this is assuming that you have `compress' on your system.) To recover from a crash, just uncompress the ckpt file and type in: gpc -r ckpt_file_name As a bonus you can now extend a run for more generations (only if checkpointing is enabled, i.e. checkpoint_frequency is greater than zero. Set it to a large value if you do not want checkpointing to slow you down, but do want a checkpoint file for the last generation). To do this, just edit the ckpt file and change the value for the following line ONLY (it should be the fourth line in the file): number_of_generations = 100 ^^^ to the new total number of generations, i.e. to extend the run by 10 gens replace 100 by 110.